All I can say is, “Wow.” Check out this info from, a website dedicated to workplace discrimination issues:
Yesterday, the Senate failed to pass the Fair Pay Act, which would allow women to demand equal pay for equal work. Senator McCain (R-AZ), who didn’t even come to vote, said that instead of legislation allowing them to demand equal pay, women simply need “education and training.” Not only is his information wrong — women still are all too often paid less for the same work, even though they have the same education and training — he’s also sending a message to our nation, to our sons and daughters, that this pay gap is okay, and it’s women’s fault for being paid less.
So to send a message to Congress, and specifically Senator McCain, [women are signing] this petition for Fair Pay and sending Senator McCain their resumes — to show that women have plenty of education, what we need is Fair Pay. You should send yours too!
Don’t worry if you don’t have your resume perfected — you can just write a quick note.Women now make up 58% of college graduates and nearly half of the labor force, but still earn less pay for the same work as men. Worse yet, mothers only make 73 cents to a man’s dollar, for the exact same job. College graduate, high school graduate, law school diploma, nursing degree, whatever your training; women should make equal pay for equal work. Don’t you agree?
Unbelievable. How could Senator McCain make such an ignorant comment? It’s incredibly insulting and demonstrates the problem quite clearly. Let’s try to make a difference by signing the online petition at You can also paste your resume or include a bio outlining your credentials along with your petition submission. If you can’t get the petition to submit with your resume pasted into the provided box, you can delete the resume text, and your petition submission should go through fine without it. Then you can email your resume separately to [email protected].
It just takes a second to sign the petition. Go do it now …. here’s the link again,
Hat tip to Kristen King at for this one!Â
You can read more about the Senate vote and John McCain’s comments in the following articles:
Republican Senators Block Pay Discrimination Measure (New York Times)
McCain Opposes Equal Pay Bill in Senate (Associated Press)
And I just wrote about the gender gap in pay on Women On Business: Women Make 77 Cents for Each Dollar Men Make in the U.S.
John McCain might have been a good US President but the people in the US does not need another Republican, that is why he lost in the election. Obama perfectly states the need of the people in his campaign slogan and that is “change we can”.