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You’ve invented something and want to bring it to market. What do you do? How do you turn a great idea into a profitable business?
The biggest challenge for aspiring inventors is coming up with an idea that hasn’t already been created. Can you solve a problem or alleviate a consumer’s pain point with a new product that hasn’t been developed before?
Don’t worry if your list of ideas isn’t pages and pages long. Sometimes, a brilliant idea can pop up unexpectedly. Barbara Winfield, the inventor of the Perfect Pan to make cheesecake, went to bed one night with no thoughts about what tomorrow would bring. That night, she had a dream about the Perfect Pan, and told her son about it the next morning. He thought it was a great idea, so she set out on her entrepreneurial journey as an inventor.
From Idea to Product
Once you have an idea for an invention, what’s the next step to turn it into an actual product that consumers can purchase?
First, you need a drawing of your idea. It’s also a good idea to create a prototype if you’re trying to get investors to help you fund the actual product development process. Speak with manufacturers, distributors, and retailers to determine how, when, and where you can get your product into consumers’ hands. If you’re planning to sell directly through your own website without using other distributors or retailers, then you don’t need to worry about those relationships until the time comes to expand.
Early on, it’s important to get help. Barbara Winfield worked with InventHelp to bring the Perfect Pan to market. You should also consult with an attorney, particularly if you want to determine if you can patent your invention.
You Can Be an Inventor
Many people are under the impression that only the younger generation become inventors, but as Barbara Winfield has proven, that is not true. Her advice to aspiring inventors is simple. She recommends that you surround yourself with positive-thinking people who will give you the support you need to follow through with your idea. Remember, you’re never too old to learn and follow any dreams you have to make an impression on the young people of today. Don’t get trapped with the rest of the “what if” crowd.
Barbara and her story are so encouraging. She proves how your life can change completely if you make an effort to realize your dreams. How often have you had a great idea but you did nothing about it? Don’t feel bad if you haven’t taken action in the past, because you’re not alone. We all do it.
The key is to not let those negative voices tell you that your idea won’t work. You will only find out if you give it a try, so take the plunge, and just do it! The chances are good that your idea could turn out to be a successful invention, just like Barbara’s.
One of the biggest changes I needed to make in my life to progress was to rid myself of negativity. Family and friends often will not embrace an idea for which you have passion and you need to find a community of people that do. Fortunately, that’s easier than ever online. Don’t be discouraged. Block out the negativity and take one small step a day toward your dream.
Well said!