Brought to you by StoryboardThat: Motherhood brings a plethora of emotions, experiences, and responsibilities. But for the modern woman, it can also bring a surge of entrepreneurial energy. Many new moms, while fully engrossed in the beauty and challenges of raising a child, are also looking for avenues to express their individuality, passion, and career aspirations. For any … [Read more...]
From Passion to Paycheck: A Step-by-Step Guide on How to Make Profits from Your Passion
Ever wonder what it would be like to get paid for doing something you're passionate about? You know, turn your passion into an actual paycheck? For most people, following your passion seems like an unrealistic fantasy. But not for you, my pretty lady! Let me give a few real-life examples. Jess, a food and travel writer, parlayed her blog into a full-time job creating … [Read more...]
The Benefits of Using a Business Credit Card for Inventory Management in Retail
Brought to you by Expensify: When it comes to owning a retail business, efficient inventory management isn’t just a good idea — it’s a non-negotiable. It not only helps you meet customer expectations but also ensures you maintain a healthy bottom line and foster long-term growth for your business. But if it’s so important, why is it that the average retail store in the US … [Read more...]
Leadership in Biotech: Shaping the Future of Health
Brought to you by Scorpius BioManufacturing: As we forge ahead into a new era of medicine and biotechnological advancements, leadership plays an integral role in shaping the trajectory of the sector. Biotechnology, with its intricate blend of science, technology, and healthcare, requires visionary leaders who can navigate its complexities and drive innovation. This article … [Read more...]
Allison Conway Joins the Women On Business Contributor Team
I'm excited to announce that Allison Conway has joined the team of contributing writers at Women On Business. Allison has a diverse background and will bring fresh insights to the Women On Business community! Watch for Allison's article coming soon, and in the meantime, you can learn more about her in her bio below. About Allison Conway Allison Conway is the founder and … [Read more...]
7 Steps to Start Your New Business Venture
Brought to you by LLC University: Many women have great business ideas and know people would be interested in what they have to offer. They might even know their ideas could be highly profitable and set them up for life. So, you might be curious why those women with bold, innovative ideas do nothing with them. While everyone’s reasons are different, a lack of knowledge can … [Read more...]
Are You Addicted to the Busy-ness of Your Business?
I’ve been re-reading my favorite Brené Brown books lately: Daring Greatly, The Gifts of Imperfection, and Rising Strong. Her words always feel so relevant and on point for me as an entrepreneur. In Daring Greatly, she points to Teddy Roosevelt’s speech made April 23, 1910 in Paris: It is not the critic who counts: not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles or … [Read more...]
Everything You Need to Know About Automated Ad Buying
Brought to you by Setupad: In the ever-changing world of digital advertising, programmatic advertising stands out as a pivotal innovation. This approach, centered around the automated purchase, sale, positioning, and optimization of digital advertisements, is data-driven and has garnered widespread acceptance from marketers internationally. As per Statista's findings, the … [Read more...]