So you're a mom who wants to start her own business? Girl, I have some advice for you. Mompreneurs, aka entrepreneurial mamas, are on the rise and crushing the game. The days of having to choose between a career and family are over. You can have both. But balancing business and babies definitely isn't easy. Between feedings, diaper changes, nap schedules, homework, … [Read more...]
83% Of Employees Believe Women Lead Better: Why?
Brought to you by Incentivesmart: There’s been another win for women in the business world: a recent report has revealed that 83% of UK employees believe women make better bosses than men. That’s more than two-thirds of the British workforce. Around the world, women have been stepping into more key roles, and multiple businesses have been thriving as a result. When it comes … [Read more...]
Sarah Miskelly Joins the Women On Business Team
Please join me in welcoming Sarah Miskelly to the team of contributing writers at Women On Business. Sarah has an amazing background in real estate, property portfolio management, and building a passive income from real estate. Look for Sarah's insights coming to Women On Business soon. In the meantime, you can learn more about Sarah in her bio below. About Sarah … [Read more...]
Closing the Gender Gap in Tech: E-Learning Pathways for Women in STEM
In the rapidly evolving landscape of technology, diversity and inclusion are more crucial than ever. The gender gap in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) fields has long been a concern, with women historically underrepresented in tech-related professions. However, the digital age has brought forth a powerful solution: E-learning. Through online education, … [Read more...]
E-commerce SEO: Optimizing Product Pages for Maximum Visibility
Brought to you by Comrade Digital Marketing: As you’d find sooner or later — just having a visually appealing website and great products isn’t enough to drive sales. Businesses must prioritize SEO and ensure that their product pages and the website in general are optimized for maximum visibility if they wish to succeed in the highly competitive world of online selling and … [Read more...]
How Learning Conflict Resolution Can Help in Women’s Career Progression
Brought to you by Pollack Peacebuilding Systems: Learning conflict resolution skills can help women in their careers as these skills are vital for business leaders. Conflicts at work create inefficiencies, reduce employee morale, increase employee turnover, and take the focus away from company goals and objectives. A business leader who can help organizations avoid these … [Read more...]
How I Survived Tough Times By Building Conscious Grit
When I was 22, my whole world was flipped upside down in the blink of an eye. A few weeks before I was due to give birth to my first child, my husband, Peter, suffered a serious cerebral hemorrhage that left him with life-changing impairments to his executive functioning and personality. He was only 27. For the next few years, I juggled being both mum, dad, and the … [Read more...]
The Precious Predicament
I had the opportunity to witness the final day of a week-long Tibetan monk mandala creation in Santa Barbara, California. The tradition for this type of Buddhist mandala is to represent an ideal of a perfect universe, transforming our ordinary human minds into a state that is enlightened. The Sanskrit meaning of the word mandala is ‘circle’, and these art pieces are a … [Read more...]