Sometimes you need a reminder to invest in yourself, and there is no better time to do it than right now. It’s easy to get caught up in the day-to-day activities of work and life and forget to take care of yourself. Believe it or not, making just one easy change today can boost your results in your career and and your business.
The key is to not think of personal investment as a huge endeavor. Look at it as small steps that will ultimately have huge effects on your life and your career. Each of those little steps you take add up, and eventually, you’ll reach your goals.
Following are 10 ways you can boost your results right now — today. Commit to making just one of these changes today, and I guarantee that you’ll see improvement. Print this list out and hang it in your office where you’ll see it throughout the day. In time, add more of these changes to your daily routine. Eventually, you’ll wonder why you didn’t invest in yourself sooner.
- Say, “No.” Seriously, you can do it.
- Disconnect. Turn off your work phone and email on weekends.
- Wake up. Get up a half hour earlier each day if you’re not an early riser (an hour is even better).
- Get away. Schedule a real one-week vacation.
- Give up some control. Women think we have to do it all, but that’s not the best decision. Get help!
- Take time for lunch. We’re killing ourselves keeping unhealthy schedules. A lunch break will make a positive difference.
- Invest in key relationships. Find a mentor or networking group and get active.
- Resist taking calls and answering email immediately. Fewer interruptions and less emotional responses mean higher productivity levels and lower stress levels.
- Delete the clutter. Streamline processes, and get rid of dead wood employees.
- Stop procrastinating. Spend less time avoiding and more time doing.
Once you’ve made some of these changes, get your employees on board (if you’re a business owner or in a leadership position). The entire team will be more productive and effective if they make these changes and start investing in themselves.
Are you ready to make one of these changes today? You’ll be glad you did.
Originally published 1/28/14. Updated 12/31/18.
This is a great list and the funny thing is, we all know that we “should” do these things. I think that number 8 is probably the most missed on the list. I am of the opinion that we should read email twice a day and leave it at that. In my industry, web design and digital marketing, I have come to realize that there are no true emergencies. It does not mean that I don’t care about my clients but rather I deserve a full dinner with my family on a saturday evening.
You’re absolutely right, Renee!
Amazing ways tailored so far. Many may take these 10 ways with a pinch of salt, maybe due to circumstances around them. However, I can bet that if they are well practised, one will get an amazing result. Thanks so much Susan Gunelius. I will let my fiance to practice them.