How does a director stay abreast of a variety of corporate governance issues in a time of change?
Directors and director candidates tell me they want to achieve impact in the boardroom, enhance their director-level education and competencies, and create competitive advantage at the board level.
The challenge is how to do this in a focused manner that reduces the amount of time and effort required to be an informed director, director candidate or governance professional. Below are a few areas that are considered to by very important:
Monitoring Governance Issues
Develop a system to collect key insights on relevant board-level topics.
Interviews to Gain Insights
Conduct director interviews that provide insights for increased board effectiveness.
Create Resource Lists
Develop top ten lists of corporate governance educational resources.
Whether you’re a corporate board director, a non-profit board director, or in another leadership role, these tips can help you stay on top of current issues when the environment is changing.
What would you add to the list? How do you keep up with important issues when your business is navigating through change?