With the arrival of the new Wonder Woman movie, now is the perfect time to consider how you can put your own power on display. You may not be a superhero, but you do have a special power. In fact, the smart woman in business realizes she has a special power not related to any position she holds. That is her personal power — the power she has simply because she is who she is.
Unfortunately, many women deny their personal power or minimize it, as they believe the only power they have is related to titles and positions, and if they don’t hold lofty titles or positions, they feel they have little to no power. But one can hold a great deal of personal power, without ever holding a particular title or position.
In fact, boosting your personal power can help you grow in your career or business. Your personal power is based on your strengths and confidence. As you grow more competent and self-assured, your personal power will grow. Your personal power is your ability to influence those around you, because they like, admire, and respect you.
Your personal power is your self-assertion of who you are. It is breathing in your magnificence. Not in a negative, arrogant way, but in a self-assured way of acknowledging you have value. You don’t apologize for being great. Positive actions that affirm your value boost your personal power, while negative actions that undermine or make you feel small take away your personal power.
Personal power helps you build a strong personal brand where your clients, prospects, and peers see you as strong and competent.
You will need to own your personal power if you want to succeed in your career or business.
3 Actions to Own Your Personal Power
So how can you own your personal power? Here are three actions you can take:
1. Go for authenticity rather than only what seems trendy.
When seeking to build a personal brand, choose to focus it on something real about you, instead of what seems hot at the moment. Trends come and go, but who you truly are will stick around forever.
Celebrate what is special about you by folding it into your brand. This will help make sure you never get tripped up by being fake or insincere. The real you will resonate with those who get what you are about.
2. Share your opinions.
Some women in business shy away from their opinions, choosing only to stick to facts or only choosing to repeat the opinions of others. But when you take the bold step to share your opinions related to your industry or matters affecting your audience, you have an opportunity to stand out.
Your audience doesn’t need another “me too” voice in the midst. Your audience needs your voice. It doesn’t have to be the popular voice or the one that agrees with what is already out there. Having the strength to share your opinion increases your personal power, as you get to show up in a bigger way and influence others who appreciate that opinion or who use it to make a decision.
3. Walk tall.
Be sure to watch the space you take up. Don’t shrink into yourself, slink into a room, or hide out in a corner. Instead, hold your head high, look others in the eye, shake hands firmly, and stand straight. How we carry ourselves physically influences how we see ourselves and how others see us.
If we try to make ourselves as small as possible by slouching, slinking around, etc., then we will internalize those small feelings and will feel powerless. We also will communicate powerlessness to those who observe us. So when you go to your next meeting, before you say even a single word, make sure your body language is speaking in a powerful way.
These are three actions you can take immediately to own your personal power and show up bigger in life and business. You will see yourself in a more powerful light, and those around you will experience you as more powerful, also.
What can you do today to be more powerful?