Extremely successful people understand this phrase inside and out: Time is our most valuable asset. You can be the richest person in the world and still not have the financial power to manipulate time.
That’s why you have to be very intentional with your time – even during holiday breaks when you don’t want to look at another Excel spreadsheet. For those overachievers who can’t take their eyes off their computer screens, you have to monitor your time to ensure your productivity levels are not declining — that isn’t good for business.
So if you have the luxury of giving yourself permission to take advantage of a holiday break, don’t miss out on these four things that extremely successful people do to elevate their success:
1. Review Annual Performance
Remember the dreaded annual performance review at work? It may have been time-consuming, but this is a critical step that most unsuccessful people skip in their personal lives. How can you improve and be better than you were if you haven’t taken the time to reflect on what you have done?
Identify what went well this past year. What are your opportunities for growth? How can you use your experiences to be even more purposeful and impactful in the new year?
If you enjoy writing, grab a journal and document your observations. If you are a speaker, download the voice recorder app on your phone and start talking about your highlights from the year. This reflection will help you to set SMART goals in the new year.
2. Read Motivational or Educational Content
The best leaders are readers. “Reading and learning from peers within, and outside of, your industry enables you to grow as an employee, business owner, and leader,” says Kelsey Meyer, co-founder of Influence & Co.
But don’t be pressured to read multiple books to maintain your status as a successful human being. I recently listened to Fab Mackojc’s podcast and heard him say he read 60 books in 2016. Although that is a stretch goal you can aim for, you don’t have to reach that goal to live a quality life. Just commit to reading a motivational article that will help you increase your happiness and productivity.
If you don’t have time to read a book, start by creating a reading list. Here are a few books on my reading list for the New Year:
- Mindset: The New Psychology of Success – Carol Dweck
- The 4 Hour Work Week – Tim Ferriss
- The Essence of Success – Earl Nightingale
3. Re-energize Your Mind, Body, and Soul
Who wants to explore the beautiful white sand beaches of Aruba or take a vacation to Yellowstone National Park to experience a white Christmas? How about receiving a hot oil back massage while you soak in a milk and honey foot bath? Even relaxing at home while you listen to the most soothing tunes in your ears, sounds like a bonus when you’ve been working over 60 hours a week.
Here is what you need to ask yourself: What do I need to rejuvenate and claim my happiness? How can I fill myself up, so I can give my best to the world?
While you are making your rejuvenation plans, don’t forget to disconnect from the world, so you can reconnect with what you truly need. Unwinding allows you to power up your energy, so you can be even more productive.
4. Reach out to Relatives and Success Partners
No amount of money or fame in the world can take the place of relationships. It’s important to connect with the people who have impacted your life or need a little more love during the holiday season.
You’ve probably met a lot of people throughout the year and still need to maintain relationships with people in your network. Make the appreciation process easier by keeping a Thank You journal that allows you to keep track of the people in your life you want to reach out to at the end of the year.
A note of appreciation can go a long way. Just a phone call or text to let someone know you are thinking about them can change the direction of their entire day. Don’t neglect your network and the people who care about you the most. They will be key to helping you maintain your sanity, so you can accomplish all the exciting goals you have planned in the New Year.
As a successful individual, I agree to your #2, Read Motivational or Educational Content. I love reading motivational stories from other successful people because it takes me back to the time when I was still dreaming and pursuing my dream. Now I am able to motivate people to never give up and just keep on reaching for their dreams.
Thanks for sharing your insights, EFC! Books provide another level of motivation that inspires us to unlock another piece of potential. Keep motivating others with your message. There is always someone who is looking for the gifts we have to give.