Did you know your LinkedIn profile can help you get a corporate board seat? It can also ruin your chances of getting a corporate board seat!
Follow the five secrets below so your LinkedIn profile helps rather than hurts you:
1. Tie Your Strengths to Accomplishments
First prioritize your strengths in relationship to a board seat. Then, show progress over your career of how you matured in the areas that are part of your board-level value proposition.
2. Get Recommendations that Speak to Your Strengths
Leverage the experience of top-level executives to enhance your network. If you presented to boards or worked with board committees, this is the very best place to ask for a recommendation.
3. List Your Promotions
Throughout your career, you have moved up the ladder. Highlight this with bullets in each position. This should also include your non-profit work.
4. Optimize Your Job Titles
You are allowed 100 characters in your experience titles. Use all the space by adding keywords. For a CIO you might list: CIO, Technology Strategist and CEO Advisor.
5. Define and Use Keywords
Use keywords from your board-level value proposition. Be sure to use your most important keywords numerous times. This will optimize your chances to be found when searches are done.
Great article to be share Tracy. This tips does help me on how to use LinkedIn profile in a better way. Thanks for sharing 🙂