Even if you feel like you had the greatest job interview, you need to make sure that you continue to sell yourself until you get the job offer. There are five things you can and should do to help you stay top-of-mind and ultimately get the job.
1. Send a Thank-You Note
Taking the time to write a thank-you note proves your interest and desire. You should not only thank the recruiter and interviewers for their time, but you should also include something specific from the conversation. Whether it was an article that reminded you of the conversation or a shared interest that you tried, writing a note that is unique can enhance your consideration. Even though email is a popular tool, taking the extra time to handwrite and mail a thank-you letter can really highlight your determination.
2. Initiate Connections
After you have completed the job interview, you can reach out to your interviewers by sending them social media requests. LinkedIn is a great outreach platform as it shares your relevant experience on a professional platform. Twitter is another strong option since it is a less-intrusive means of follow-up. It is important to note where your interviewers are active and where they seem to be more exclusive so you can ensure that your message is seen and is appropriate.
3. Check in Every Now and Then
In order to avoid coming off as overly persistent, you can follow-up with the company in a strategic manner. Instead of repeating your interest in the position and your eagerness to hear back soon, you can offer something of value in each message. For example, if you read an relevant industry-specific magazine and found an article that may be of interest to the company, you can share the news in a way that keeps your name fresh in their mind,.
4. Don’t Stop Preparing
Hiring procedures may include more than one interview. In order to ensure that you will be prepared for further conversations, continue with your research and practice. Since you already went through one interview, you will have a better idea of what to expect. You can practice better responses to questions that may have caught you off-guard or look up recent company news that you can bring to the table. Considering your first interaction and anticipating the next can ensure that your future interviews run even more smoothly.
5. Keep Track of Your Efforts
One of the worst feelings is going back to a company and forgetting a prominent employee’s name. You can avoid these awkward situations by taking note of all of your efforts. Write down the names of all of the people you spoke to, put their business cards in a safe place and keep track of your personal efforts. If you stay organized, you can make a schedule of follow-up activities that will only improve the company’s perception of you.
Adhering to these follow-up steps can prove your worth to a company without coming off as pushy. Despite the competitiveness of today’s job market, you can land the job of your dreams by including effective follow-up measures in your job search strategy.
About the Author
Frank Paterno is a creative and analytic marketing and product executive with hands-on and management experience identifying, creating, delivering, and communicating value with technology-based products and services. Hi focuses on corporate and product marketing enhanced by strong technical and financial background. Frank is Vice President of Marketing at IntelliConnection.
Thanks for these useful tips, taking the extra time makes all the difference.
And it’s always worth it to go the extra mile from the very 1st exchange!