You know you are ready to leave your corporate job and work from home when your fed up of the commute to work, the corporate culture and the emotional strain that shows up prior to getting to work. With 85% of all new home based business created by women, the success rate and the financial freedom is a lucrative incentive to weight out the pros and cons of leaving your corporate identity.
Women are much more highly approachable to adopting to change and leveraging their past success for future gain in any area of their lives. Business women tend to reach out and ask for help, collaborate and share interest amongst one another, while men prefer to compete and do it alone. For many women stepping out on their own, away from the social corporate dynamic is frightening yet exhilarating when weighted again the facts.
1. Your commute to work is taking up too much time and pulling you away from being with your children or spouse and your beginning to resent it.
2. The corporate culture, or lack of culture is taking it’s toll on you as you can feel the stirrings of wanting more, going deeper into experiencing the business world, but not boxed in by the limitations that your job or career ask of you.
3. Your feeling empty and confused, not knowing what is pulling you away from your once daily focused assignments and projects, now they seem more like a distraction to what you really should be doing, even if you don’t know what that is or looks like just yet.
4. You dream of traveling to conferences and meeting up with other like minded women, building or expanding business relationships along with taking on a stronger leadership role.
5. You feel uneasy going to work, and lack enthusiasm. You are disengaged on the job and do not find it as fulfilling as it once was.
You are seeking a new way of personal expression and your corporate job is not providing you a space to share that expression, it’s actually shutting it down. For many women who love to gather, network and share ideas, inspirations and collaborate, a corporate setting can be quite the opposite to what is a natural tendency to gather and build rapport amongst one another.
If you can check of more than one item on the list above, you most likely have been thinking of leaving but have not yet taken the steps towards your exit strategy. A good place to start is to find a home based business that aligns with your core values or you can take your talents and apply them to starting your own business from home instead of doing it for someone else. The ability to leave your job and set out on building your own business will take a different state of mind than what brought you to success at a corporate setting. If you choose to step outside of the corporate world and choose your own financial destiny, do some research and hire an entrepreneur who already has a successful home based business or a company that trains entrepreneurs for success so you are not doing it alone.
I would love to hear your feedback and where you currently are in your career, if you are satisfied or are desiring to leave and begin a new life.