We’ve reached Day 3 of the Women on Business Countdown to Equal Pay Day 2013, which is scheduled for April 9, 2013.
So far, we’ve shared statistics about women in business and the gender pay gap in the 1970s and the 1980s on Day 5 and Day 4 of the countdown (follow the preceding links for all of the details). Today, it’s time to look at the gender pay gap in the 1990s and 2000s.
As you can see in the infographic below, in the 1990s and 2000s, the gender pay gap decreased significantly. In the 1980s, women were earning just 62% of what men were earning for the same work. In the 2000s, women were making 77% what men were earning.
Those years from 1990 through 2009 brought great things to women in the workforce. During that time, women-owned companies grew by 28%, which was 3-times more than all privately held businesses. However, only 9% of women were successful in getting angel capital funding. Gender gaps in business were still far from disappearing.
Subscribe to Women on Business or follow us on Twitter, so you don’t miss Day 2 and Day 1 in the Countdown to Equal Pay Day. Please share these statistics with your own audiences, so more people become aware of how much work must still be done to achieve equal pay for equal work.
Click the image to view it at full size.
View the Gender Pay Gap Slideshow to learn more equal pay statistics