What are your hidden biases? The Implicit Association Test was designed by Anthony G. Greenwald and is featured in the book he co-authored with Mahzarin R. Banaji, Blindspot: Hidden Biases of Good People, as well as on a website devoted to public education and research from Harvard University, Harvard’s Project Implicit.
The technique used in the Implicit Association Test was developed in 1998 and is available in 39 country sites and 25 languages.
You can visit Harvard’s Project Implicit website to take some of the demonstration tests and reveal your own hidden biases. Remember, if they’re hidden, you don’t even realize you have them. Putting yourself through these tests can help you identify your hidden biases so you can work to change the way you think and behave in business and in life.
Harvard’s Project Implicit website offers tests to detect the following hidden biases:
- Race
- Weapons
- Weight
- Age
- Presidents
- Arab-Muslim
- Gender-Science
- Sexuality
- Skin-tone
- Gender-Career
- Native American
Your hidden biases could be negatively affecting your career and business, so take the tests, be honest, and see where you need to make changes. It could be the best thing you do as you begin the new year!
Jim Nico says
Again and again Susan Gunelius inspires me to keep it genuine and real in business, and now a tune up to insure I do, thank you.