Several years ago I watched a video about finding your “why” in your business. To uncover your true “why,” it would be helpful to understand why you are doing what you are doing. However, uncovering your why can be difficult as this may open yourself up to facing the truth.
Your “why” might be to get rich or to simply to buy more things. Is that going to spur you on to new and exciting things? Will people connect with that “why”?
What you might be missing is the passion needed to succeed. Many truly successful people in life are those that pursue their passion and dreams.
So how you can find that passion?
Just like those successful people mentioned above, you need to enjoy performing your job. This can be done by looking inside yourself and discovering what gifts and talents you have. It’s those things that give you the drive and ambition. They are part of your “why.”
Let’s take a look at some of the gifts and talents you may already possess. Perhaps you love creating designs. For you, it’s not doodling, it’s coming up with ways to visually communicate a message. For you, thinking of starting a business in graphic design might fulfill your passion.
Once you identify one of your talents then you want to look for ways to use it. In the example of graphic design, you could start creating websites for other businesses. You enjoy helping other people visually get their message across.
If you are not in the position of following this passion full time, then start doing so on a regular basis. Perhaps you can reach out to people you know and offer to share a website design that might work better for their business. Start creating several websites so that you have samples to show. You could sell one of those samples and then you will have a “live” site to showcase.
When you start to follow one of your passions instantly you will feel happier. Your “why” becomes clearer.
Still not sure how to find your “why”?
Here are some tips for finding your passion:
- What is it that you enjoy doing outside of work? This could be interests or hobbies.
- What is the one thing you do as much as possible? You might enjoy writing. Every chance you get, you sit at your computer to write. You are passionate about it.
- What super charges you? What excites you to the point that it makes you feel good about yourself and what you are doing? It’s one of the things that gets you up in the morning.
- Would you do this even if you weren’t getting paid? Once again when you are passionate about something you love you will do it whether you are paid or not.
- What one thing would you do to change the world? Maybe you want to work with a group of individuals to help them have their voice heard. You are passionate about giving this group of people that power.
- What uplifts you? When you think about your “why” it should bring a smile to your face because you know you are doing what you love and what comes natural to you. This in turn helps you to solve a problem other people are having.
Take each of these questions and write down your answers. Take the time to really think about it.
When you look at your answers is there one theme that gets repeated over and over again? If so, that could be your passion; your “why”.
What’s your next step? Taking the time to start. Find your passion, your purpose, your “why”.