Is your business getting the desired results?
The other day I spoke to someone who has been writing his book for three years. So far they have Chapter 1 done. What this person told me was that he didn’t have the time to write.
Do you find that you don’t have enough time to get all the tasks done in your business? Maybe you are constantly being interrupted causing you to fall behind. Perhaps you thought the answer was to hire someone only to find that you spent so much time and effort training and fixing their mistakes that it wasn’t worth it!
What’s a business owner to do? One word: systemization. There are reasons you are feeling frustrated and it comes to two basic things:
First: Believe it or not you might be causing your own frustration by not getting the help and support you need.
Second: The systems you do have in place aren’t working properly. It could be they are outdated or your new staff isn’t aware they exist.
Let’s say your customers have issues. Do they know you have a support desk? If they don’t, you are causing your frustration because you are getting emails asking you to solve problems that your help desk should be solving. Make sure you educate your customers on the correct procedures for submitting a support ticket.
If on the other hand the issue is centered on your staff, if could be they were never trained properly. Having been in business for almost 30 years, I have found that putting things in a step-by-step format works the best. Once these steps are written down they can become a manual to follow. When you hire someone, they can go through the manual and refer back to it when necessary.
Time management seems to be a big issue. You might find yourself getting frustrated because there never seems to be enough hours in a day. What it boils down to is that you are working on tasks that could and should be handed over to your assistant. This frees you up to take care of the things that only you can take care of in your business.
Right now you might be thinking, “It costs too much to hire someone to do a job that I can do.” That may be true but being able to hand over a task means you will work on another more important area of your business, and in effect, this is saving you time and money.
If you were to value your time per hour what would it be? Now, consider what you would pay someone else hourly to do the same task. Did you just have a light bulb moment?
You’d be better off hiring a assistant a few hours a week or month to help free up your valuable time and save your sanity in the process. I would venture to say once you experience the results of freeing up your time, hiring someone would seem like the logical solution.