As a new manager, one of the biggest learning curves you’ll face won’t be managing projects but rather, managing people. It’s rarely an easy task, but there are steps you can take to become a better manager. As a result, your team will be more motivated, happy, and successful.
For example, the best managers understand that they should never stop learning. They know that their team members are real people, and they work to build relationships with each person. In fact, research has shown that employees are significantly more engaged in their work if they feel like they can speak openly with their managers. Greater engagement leads to higher revenues, so be sure to offer ongoing encouragement to your team members.
That’s not all. Did you know that employees actually achieve more when they have established goals? They’re more productive and engaged when their managers set clear priorities, work goals, and performance goals.
This doesn’t mean you should only meet with your team members once or twice a year to go over their goals in a formal performance meeting. Instead, communicate on a daily or weekly basis about objectives and priorities, which also keeps employees engaged and motivated.
Speaking of motivation, it shouldn’t be surprising to hear that employees work harder when they’re more motivated. As a manager, you need to make an effort to keep their enthusiasm levels up. Allow them to share their ideas and recognize their efforts. Feedback and motivation often goes a long way and can be more effective than monetary incentives.
These are just some of the tips included in the infographic below from Acuity Training. Take a look for even more suggestions to improve your transition to becoming a first-time manager.