What are you afraid of? What turns your legs to jelly? What gives you heart palpitations? Perhaps your fear is the pathway to your greatest triumph.
Believe that your current, most pressing, most disturbing issue is here to give you insight, awareness, strength, and renewed vigor in your purpose here on Earth.
Perhaps you’re dealing with personnel or relationship issues. Perhaps cash flow is your big bugaboo. Perhaps your health is failing you. Perhaps there is a looming deadline, obstacle, or road block that clouds your upcoming vision.
Clarify. Concentrate. Understand…. then push forward.
Prove yourself — earn the respect that you know you deserve. Prove yourself by rising to the current challenge. Prove that you’re worth it, and prove that you expect these types of issues because you have the strength, grace, and courage to cope.
Prove that you can be a leader.
Prove that you can be a mentor.
Prove that you can excel in your current endeavor.
Prove that you are doing what you’re doing because you have a higher calling. Prove that your current situation in your business or your job is the best fit between the world’s need and your unique abilities.
Prove that your time on the planet is worthwhile.
Prove that you’re doing the best you can with what you’ve got.
Prove that you deserve to be where you are.
Once you’ve proven it to yourself, then go out and help another woman in business prove herself, too.