Women are enrolling and graduating from college every day. Yet the number of women in upper management and executive roles is significantly less then the number of women graduating from college.
Business schools and programs play a huge role in helping women balance the gender roles, providing women with the information and tools they need to get into these jobs.
These schools need to make sure their marketing and information is showing that women can do it too, capturing the correct audiences and showing these young minds their options.
There are so many young businesswomen, or entrepreneurs, sitting in every freshmen class. Think about everyone you know, maybe even yourself who started as “undecided” or changed majors part way through….or the people who have a degree in something completely unrelated to the business they are running now and had to pick up the knowledge and learn some lessons the hard way.
What if we provided our young women’s minds with this knowledge and the tools they needed to overtake any obstacle from the start? I think we would see a generation bursting through that ceiling without looking back for even a second.