Post by Veronica Eyenga, contributing Women On Business writer
How do you know if the decisions you’re making for your business are the right ones? One of the keys to making decisions for your business is self discipline. For small business owners, sloppy or haphazard decision-making can often backfire and end up creating more problems than solutions.
The best business decision-makers tend to follow a set of guidelines that are designed to make every decision count. Here are three steps to get you started making the right decisions:
- Identify your options. Decision-making is a choice and it’s impossible to make a choice if you haven’t explored all of your options. Make a conscious effort to resist the urge to make a decision until you have thoroughly researched all of the alternatives.
- Take your time. Good decision-making takes time. Always be sure to take as much time as possible when making a decision. This allows you to explore all of your options completely.
- Write it down. As you’re going through the decision-making process, it’s important that you document your thoughts and any other information you discover that may influence the end result.
In business, we are faced with problems everyday. Some of these problems require you to make complex decisions in order to solve them. What steps do you take when you’re faced with a major decision? Share your answers in the comments.