Last week I had six meetings over a nine hour work day. I also attended one single meeting that consumed the better part of my day. I spent more time meeting and less time actually doing. This is my plea for the "meeters" of the world to break from the pack and start becoming "doers." Many studies find that 70% or better surveyed said their meetings are very often … [Read more...]
You Have the Right to Remain Silent
Actually, you have an obligation to remain silent...the right is in the speech. On this day of celebration of our inalienable rights, I can't help but think about our freedoms. Unfortunately, speaking doesn't come with an owner's manual or license, so anyone, anywhere, anytime can say what's on their mind...therein lies the lesson. Just because we have the right, does not … [Read more...]
It’s a New Day
As Michael Buble' croons from my iPod, "It's a new dawn, it's a new day, it's a new life for me. And I'm feeling good," I smile! One because of my fantasy that Michael Buble' is personally serenading me and two because I've ended up with a Plan B that has outperformed Plan A by a mile! Yes! A new year, a new beginning and a new direction laced with old skills and … [Read more...]
Integrity: conversation with a teenager
Integrity has become one of those "buzz" words businessmen and politicians have run so far into the ground that there's barely a recognizable remnant of it left in society. It's one of those words I use when describing the things within me that I feel are non-negotiable. It’s also one of those words I have trouble articulating, especially to a teenager. I was recently … [Read more...]
You Go, Girl!
The phrase, "You Go, Girl" has become one of those empowering statements that says a lot about women and about the support of their peers. Over the years, women's role in the workplace has developed so beautifully into this full-bodied reality, but the encouragement of fellow female workers has lagged behind. It’s funny that the phrase is somewhat of a cheer; a typically … [Read more...]
Giving It Your Best
Winston Churchill gave it great perspective when he quoted, "It's no use saying, 'We are doing our best.' You have got to succeed in doing what is necessary." Doing what is necessary is different for everyone, but who determines EXACTLY what's needed to do what is necessary? Over the years I've concluded that what's necessary means to, 1. be relentless, 2. be open to … [Read more...]
Changing Corporate Culture
I often use a DNA analogy when talking about the culture of an organization. Typically, the culture is so embedded, so ingrained into its people that it’s much like our DNA is to our eye color and personalities. It is the ONLY thing that sets us apart as humans—or as sales people—our unique DNA. Changing the DNA in your workplace may be as difficult as altering it in your … [Read more...]
Building Customer Loyalty
A satisfied customer is not a loyal customer by any means. I build brand and customer trust by being loyal to THEM and by NOT expecting them to be loyal to me! How do I build customer loyalty? I earn loyalty by giving it. I do it one “D” at a time: Discover (what is important or of value to my customer), Decide (what their experience will look like), Deliver (what I … [Read more...]
Thank You
This week as everyone prepares to give thanks for their family, or a meal or their favorite football team, I find myself wanting to thank the people who made me who I am today. Until recently re-building friendships on Facebook, I would not have been able to tell you how much people from my past…my way, way back in the past…are very much a part of who I have become. It is … [Read more...]
What’s Your Story
What’s your life's story going to be? I’m reading a book by Donald Miller called A Million Miles in A Thousand Years where Miller re-writes his own life, edits it actually, for adaptation to a screenplay. Given the chance, would you perform a re-write? I’m not finished with the book, but the question I am asking myself alongside Miller is why not go ahead and re-write it … [Read more...]