There’s a lot of trial and error when it comes to emarketing, and it definitely is something that rewards the patient and persistent. However, if you’re looking to jump-start an emarketing campaign and are short on resources, here’s a quick guide to get you on the right track from Day 1. 1. Invest in a Solid Tool that’s Easy to Use While you’ll definitely want to save money … [Read more...]
The 3 T’s of Authority Building for Women
As a female director at a marketing authority company, I am unquenchably curious, both professionally and personally, as to how women secure themselves a place at the table – how they distinguish themselves in their fields and become the go-to experts. It’s tempting to think that since its 2017, women do it the same way as their male counterparts, through a fierce work ethic, … [Read more...]
Hosting a Client Hospitality Event? Here’s Why You Need to Watch What They Eat
Food allergies, as well as personal food preferences, are on the rise. Currently, Food Allergy Research and Education (FARE) estimates up to 15 million Americans have food allergies. As a result, hosting client hospitality events is becoming more complicated. As a professional corporate event planner, however, I see this trend as an opportunity, not a challenge. By noting … [Read more...]
SHE Makes A Difference
It's March, 2017 – coming in like a lioness and highlighting the season to elevate women everywhere. Yes, it's Women’s History Month, a designated time to recognize our "foremothers & firsts" who have cut the path, cleared the field, tilled, planted, AND harvested, feeding families, even nations, leaving indelible fingerprints on our world. Artist Krista Visbal has … [Read more...]
How to be More Money Confident
Ever wished you could be more confident about money and all that it entails: not being afraid to ask for more pay if you deserve it or standing your ground when clients try and beat down your prices? I've spent the last few months talking to women in financial careers about their own money knowledge and confidence, and now, I want to bring that to the wider world by sharing … [Read more...]
The Rise of Influential Women Who Made It Big in Big Data
Generous salaries and lucrative career prospects have made technology a brilliant career choice for those who have a knack for logic, reasoning, coding, math, and science. Besides men, women like Radhika Kulkarni, Monica Rogati, Claudia Perlich, Lillian Pierson, and many others have passionately played a prominent role in serving the Big Data community of the world. These women … [Read more...]
7 Steps to Quality Customer Support
Customer support isn’t easy. Any business owner can tell you that once the customers start coming in, it becomes really difficult to keep up with your day-to-day routine. Even more difficult is that you have to keep every customer satisfied, because in essence, they are what keeps your business going. Whether you’re providing support by yourself or you’ve got a small team … [Read more...]
Branding Challenges Faced By Small Businesses
Talk to any small business expert - branding is a huge part of any business. Establishing the proper brand can make or break your business. What is a brand? Off the top of your head, it might be your logo, your signage, or the other physical items you’ll need to market and sell your product or service. Branding is so much more than that! Consider it a promise made to your … [Read more...]
3 Important Steps to Close the Retirement Confidence Gap
There is a lot for anyone to think about when it comes to retirement planning. Percentages to contribute, years to work, social security benefits to consider; it’s a lot to take in, and according to recent research commissioned by my firm, women differ from men in their approach to this process*. Our research found that men are more likely to prioritize long-term finances, … [Read more...]
What Makes People Buy? 4 Simple Website Copy Hacks to Boost Your Sales
Your website is your gateway to the online world, and just like in the real world, first impressions last. When your visitors don’t find what they’re looking for in your site, they’ll have no qualms closing that tab and finding a site that does. Many businesses don’t realize that their websites can be powerful sales tools—but only if you build them to be. You can do this … [Read more...]