Despite increased parental benefits and support for working mothers in many countries, the reality is that an increasing number of women are leaving the workforce once they have children. While this is particularly noticeable in the United States, where paid maternity leave is left to the discretion of the employer and many women are permitted just six weeks off work, even in … [Read more...]
How One Entrepreneur Made $75K In Less Than 6 Months
Before this moment in my life, I was on the financial struggle bus. Even though I was working overtime to get my business off the ground, I saw little to no success from all of my efforts. I was the overdraft queen, and I avoided shopping with others out of fear that my card might come back “declined.” When I wrote a rent check, I hoped it didn’t bounce because there was … [Read more...]
3 Marketing Tactics for Small Business Success
Small businesses are the cornerstone of the American economy. According to the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) there are more than 28 million small businesses in the United States. Of this total, nearly 36% are owned or led by a woman. Small businesses provide 55% of all U.S. jobs and have added 8 million new jobs to the economy since 1990. Our country is a land of … [Read more...]
Top 20 Small Business WordPress Themes
Today, you can often hear people claiming that life without the Internet used to be easier. Perhaps not easier, but definitely different. The growth of the Internet has touched all aspects of human life, which means business owners have to comply with a new world. Your business website is an essential tool for success. When there was no Internet, marketing campaigns were … [Read more...]
Gender Inequality in the Workplace – Not Just a Women’s Issue
Gender inequality is a real issue in the workplace. To be clear, women in the workplace tend to be the individuals on the inequality side of the spectrum. The overall reach of gender inequality isn’t limited to a certain industry, education level, or demographic. It is an overarching issue, spanning the globe. Concentrating on the United States, these statistics illustrate … [Read more...]
Workplace Addiction: Addressing and Ending Substance Abuse in the Workplace
Jobs that are focused on manual labor are cited as some of the main industries where drug and alcohol abuse is prevalent. Some career paths, like the entertainment industry, and even jobs at the executive level, almost welcome drinking and drug use. Entertaining clients, long business trips, and access to large amounts of money all encourage drug and alcohol use. But many … [Read more...]
Mobile Apps for Training Millennials in 2017
If millennials continue to impact workplace dynamics as profoundly as they have done since they entered the workforce, there is only one thing to do and that is to tailor training in a way that works for them. That poses some challenges since in many ways, the technology-savvy 19 to 35-year-old worker doesn't operate quite like any previous generation. Training millenials … [Read more...]
15 WordPress Themes to Build a Mobile-Friendly Real Estate Site
Are you planning to build a real estate site using WordPress? Maybe you're simply looking for a freshly-made solution to bring more style to your already launched project? No matter what goal you pursue, below you can find a compilation of 15 newly-tailored real estate WordPress themes that are intended to captivate and impress your online audience. When it comes to … [Read more...]
Starting at the Bottom? Here’s Who I’m Hiring for an Internship
I was an intern once -- six times actually, before I finally landed a full-time role. As a manager now, I’ve reviewed hundreds of applications and interviewed a few dozen people for their first (or sixth) internship. It’s always a pleasure to give someone great news and welcome them to the team––even better when, at the end of their internship, we can offer them their first … [Read more...]
How to Boost Morale in Your Office
Regardless of what you may have heard or what the general opinion may be, office morale isn’t a term coined by those employees who are looking to cut corners at the office. If anything, a healthy office morale is your business’ chance to get phenomenal results, and quick. How so? We’ll get into it in a second. What most employers/entrepreneurs/bosses/supervisors don’t seem … [Read more...]