Everyone knows the old cliché "Curiosity killed the cat." Nobody wants to be that cat, especially not entrepreneurs. The thought of failing in a business venture is enough to steer any entrepreneur away from being curious. After all, "better safe than sorry," right? Actually, curiosity is an incredibly important trait for an entrepreneur. While everyone knows that "curiosity … [Read more...]
Managing the Employees on the Move
Of all the challenges facing the human resources professional in recent years, the rise of the mobile employee stands among those that require a steep learning curve. People hired to do a job for a specific company in a specific place are suddenly packing their bags and accepting that company's invitation to go work in India, China, the Middle East, or other foreign … [Read more...]
Authenticity and Gender
Seeing “authenticity” become the newest business buzzword has made me very happy. I write speeches for a living, and the best way for speakers to connect with an audience is to give them a glimpse of their authentic selves: Not just how they think in a business context but who they are, how the quirks of their personality got them this far, where they think those quirks may … [Read more...]
When Do You Get Your Best Ideas?
The day-to-day hustle of running a company can leave you with little time for new ideas. It's far too easy to get wrapped up in just keeping things running smoothly, but without the occasional burst of inspiration, you may find that your business is just coasting along rather than charging forward. It's important to make opportunities for inspiration to strike, and part of … [Read more...]
5 Signs You Are a Creative Person
In this new 'entrepreneurial age', creativity is an attribute which is increasingly regarded as the key to success. This is no real surprise, given that its dictionary definition is ‘the use of the imagination or original ideas to create something’. But how exactly can you tell if you are a ‘creative person’? 1. You work long hours and lose track of time Creative people tend … [Read more...]
4 Hard Truths about Small Business HR
Picture an HR professional walking into a trendy office with a group of very casually dressed millennials. AWKWARD! Welcome to today’s small business! Sure the environment is fun, casual, and comfortable. But what about HR? Can HR really fit in? Of course HR can fit in -- as long as the HR representative can adjust to the new environment. Oh, and get rid of that age old … [Read more...]
Is Your New Recruit a Good Fit for the Position?
The two most difficult decisions human resources professionals must make with regard to a recruit are the decision to hire them and the decision to keep them or let them go at the end of their probationary period. Determining the candidate's skill and experience is usually a relatively straightforward process. What is complicated is determining after the hire whether or not … [Read more...]
Increase Your Productivity Levels with a Treadmill Desk
I’m always trying to think of ways to boost my energy and productivity levels when working from home. It’s so tempting to work on the couch, and I’m always getting distracted by the thought of tasty snacks. Is it any wonder that I’ve gained a few pounds since leaving a job that had me on my feet for over 40 hours a week? If, like me, you have no inclination to do exercise … [Read more...]
Dynamics of Quality Teamwork
Talk about any masterpiece of the world -- the biggest mega structures, cloud-hugging skyscrapers, or even blockbuster hits like Titanic, or The Avengers. What do you think is the force that made the creation of such marvelous wonders possible? It’s quality teamwork. Everything that went into these works of art was a result of collective efforts put in by people who worked on … [Read more...]
7 Steps to a Healthy Mind for Healthy Business
Stress is an accepted part of business life, but left unchecked, it can transition from being an essential tool for getting through that task list to something that affects both our mental and physical health. It is clear that actively working towards a healthy mind for the entrepreneur could translate into tangible profits and lead to a future defined by prosperity. Here … [Read more...]