Forex and stocks trading has long been a “boy’s club,” as the industry has traditionally been dominated by males. But thanks in part to electronic retail trading, that’s starting to change. Women are entering Forex trading en masse, and they’re well-positioned for lucrative careers in the field. In Japan, for example, women make up 25% of the retail Forex trading system, … [Read more...]
Human Resources for the 21st Century: Hiring and Training
The human resources department is an important part of any organization. From hiring new staff members to training them in an online training software, and then potentially transitioning them to a different organization, HR takes care of employees start to finish. In a knowledge economy, people, more than machines, are the major source of innovation and growth for any … [Read more...]
Top 5 Bad Sales Habits that Affect Performance
Your sales team can be one of your organization's biggest assets, but individual members can also develop bad habits that impact overall performance. Although most bad habits can be corrected through sales executive training, the longer you ignore them, the more difficult habits are to break. Therefore, it's important to act swiftly. Here, are five of the most costly sales … [Read more...]
6 Types of Content that Have Greatest Brand Value for Small Businesses
When entrepreneurs with small businesses are already crushed under heavy daily workloads of producing great content, it helps to know which type of content will work the hardest for you and to focus on that. One of the smartest ways to judge the content you need to produce is to see what will nurture your customer through the process of his or her buying journey (also known … [Read more...]
When You’re Passionate About Your Cause, Success Will Follow
As the leader of a company that’s dedicated to developing solutions that help physicians diagnose, treat, and improve gynecologic health outcomes for women, I find myself facing sensitive, often heartrending situations. But I still consider myself incredibly blessed to be doing what I do. All business owners and executives generally start on our paths because of a passion or … [Read more...]
4 Creative Ways to Use Mobile Payments In Your Retail Business
Technology is becoming more commonplace in various aspects of our lives. Smartphones have replaced watches, alarm clocks, and calendars, and they could begin to phase out traditional credit cards and credit card processing. Mobile payments have changed the way people are paying for goods and services in retail businesses, as well as how merchants are processing those … [Read more...]
3 Places to Look for Insight into Your Career Direction
Curious about what to do next with your career direction? Feeling vague about your strengths and interests? Looking for a few guideposts to get insight into a career path you’d feel connected to? One tactic you can try is to reflect on your past. This strategy does have flaws, because it assumes that you are currently engaging with an element of your future career … [Read more...]
7 Steps to Make Workplace Bullying Clock Out
The word “bullying” is often overused and misused, but that doesn’t discount the damage of the real thing. defines it as "unwanted, aggressive behavior among school-aged children that involves a real or perceived power imbalance." But bullies aren’t just wreaking havoc on the playground. Bad behavior left unchecked during adolescence tends to continue into … [Read more...]
Top 10 Content Curation Tools For Your Blog and Social Media
Content curation is the practice of sharing content that is informative, relevant, and sometimes just plain fun. It's a great way to keep your audience coming back to your blog and social media pages. In order to successfully curate content, you have to put some thought behind it. You can't simply share whatever comes across your news feed that makes you chuckle. You have to … [Read more...]
Small Business and Sustainability
When talking about sustainable business practices, we tend to focus on what large, multinational corporations need to be doing differently. We criticize McDonald's and Apple for their business practices. Of course, we are correct in doing so---for pushing these companies to act more sustainably. However, small businesses and small business owners can – and should – also take … [Read more...]