Moving forward on your goal of becoming a public company board member requires a purposeful focus with dedicated time and effort. You can help shape your future with these four actions:
1. Separate Your Leadership Skills from the Crowd
Think about what is hard to forget about you or your leadership experiences. Share this with others.
2. Develop Your Storyline
Your narrative should provide high points of your past and how that fits into your next step toward being a director. Think past, present, and future. Connect the dots with how you add value and will add value in the future.
3. Introduce Yourself
Introduce yourself in a strategic manner by defining all the stakeholders on the road to the boardroom and letting them know about your new goals and direction. Ask for help.
4. Become the Expert
Overcome hesitancy by speaking and writing as a professional in corporate governance. Discuss the current challenges and offer insights that are unique. Use social media and virtual learning to promote yourself.