Women still earn just $0.82 for every $1.00 that men earn, and that applies to jobs in most industries and at all levels. Forbes analyzed the median weekly earnings of full-time American workers in 2011 by occupation and gender using data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.According to that data, the top 20 jobs based on pay for women in 2012 were identified (follow the link below to learn what they are).
While women traditionally still make less than men in these roles, they are the highest paying for women overall. At the top of the list is pharmacist. In fact, most of the jobs are in the healthcare, science, and technology fields with a small showing from the business world. Jenna Goudreau of Forbes explains:
“Traditionally male leadership positions have also been tougher for women to catch up in. Chief executive (No. 5) is one of the top-paying jobs for women, with median weekly earnings of $1,464, or about $76,000 a year. However, women hold just a quarter of these titles and earn 31% less than their male peers—a difference of $658 each week. Similarly, female marketing and sales managers (No. 19) make 32% less than men in the job.
In Katie Bardaro’s [lead economist at compensation research firm PayScale] research into these occupations, even when factors like education, experience, location, industry and firm size are considered there remains a large wage gap that is likely only explained by discrimination. ‘When there’s a boys club, women don’t have strength in numbers,” she says. “Women are also known for being less successful at salary negotiations, and that gets even more pronounced as you move up the ladder.'”
Read the Full Article: The 20 Best-Paying Jobs For Women In 2012 via