Did you know that your awareness of time has a direct impact on your social intelligence? It’s easy to spot someone with poor awareness of time. They talk longer than what seems necessary in a meeting, they’re difficult to get off the phone, and they don’t get anywhere quickly (be it to an appointment, the point of a conversation, etc.). They are your classic time wasters. … [Read more...]
Leadership Lessons: It’s Just an Ashtray!
View this video: NBC Nightly News Piece: Women Helping Economy by Kate Snow The role of women in society is undergoing a continuous makeover. There are leadership lessons in every situation every day. Think about this: 60 percent of women work and we comprise 46 percent of the labor force, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Women now occupy 51, yes; you read … [Read more...]
Increasing Market Profile With Women’s Initiatives
Women's Initiatives Focused on Business Growth Due to the challenging economy and increased focus on revenue generation and business growth the timing is right for women’s leadership initiatives to be a catalyst for increasing organizational market visibility. All corporate initiatives are called to directly support business strategy in the best of times and these are not … [Read more...]
Do You Have Any Time to Think Creatively?
I remember how wonderful I felt at first when I was hired to run a national company. I was thrilled with my new title and excited to take on the challenge of resurrecting a company that was doing poorly. I was up for the challenge. The position meant a move to Chicago from the east coast and a departure from my comfort zone of colleagues, family, and friends. My … [Read more...]
Are you a good boss?
Are you a good boss? Really? I know when I ask myself that question, I come to the conclusion that I could be better. So what makes a good boss, and how can we get better? In the January/February issue of Harvard Business Review an article on becoming a great boss offers research and some key tips for improving as a boss. A good boss is typically influential. But where … [Read more...]
Do You Feel As If You Are Swimming Upstream?
Are we taking advantage of the natural flow of an organization or are we swimming upstream? Below are two critically important topics for Women in Business 1- Are you working on the right things? 2-Do the right people know you are working on the right things? These two topics are important guiding rules for women navigating a career in business- particularly in … [Read more...]
Leadership Strategies: Are You a Davos Woman?
Picture yourself in Davos Switzerland at the annual gathering of the world’s rich and powerful. No, you have not morphed into Angelina Jolie, you are you with a lot to offer and much to say. First some facts: Did you know that fewer than 3 percent of the Fortune Global 500 chief executives are women? Only 15 percent of ministers and parliamentarians are female? Less than 20 … [Read more...]
Advocacy to Shift Culture
Organizations working on raising awareness of inclusiveness and why it is essential for businesses to survive are well served by advocacy programming. This is very true as it relates to organizations that are working to increase gender diversity at the leadership levels. One of the most important differences between men and women at senior levels of organizations is the … [Read more...]
Resolution Solution: Shop Your Soul
If you ever watch the staging or interior re-design shows on HGTV, the designers always suggest “shopping your home” for accessories or furniture to move from one room to create a whole new look or feeling in another room of your home. What they seem to be suggesting is that you don’t have to go shopping beyond the confines of your house for what you need—it was always … [Read more...]
Be an Advocate for Yourself
A recent Catalyst study demonstrates that mentoring does not help career advancement to the degree that sponsorship does. Mentoring is defined as career advice and guidance and sponsorship is advocacy. Usually sponsors have more senior positions than mentors, and it is their responsibility to advocate for an individual and pull them up the ranks to a top level position in … [Read more...]