Do we have to go off to an island with limited access to the internet to get some quiet? Is it ever okay to put a “do not disturb” sign on the office door? Can we ever admit we are fried, exhausted, done, and not be judged as lacking in mojo, courage, stamina? These were some of the thoughts I had after spending a remarkable day presenting at Purdue University in Indiana. … [Read more...]
Community Builder Par Excellent
I had the opportunity to interview a mover and shaker, whose passion for reaching out into the community made me want to quit my job and work with her. Susan Bass Levin is the head of the Cooper Hospital Foundation in New Jersey. A lawyer by training and an entrepreneur and community advocate in her hear,t she listened to an internal drum beat that said “see a problem-fix a … [Read more...]
Do You Have Success Amnesia?
This week I am presenting at a wonderful conference- Linkage Women in Leadership. This event is held in San Francisco each year. It is a high energy event for women in all stages of career development. The event draws very powerful keynote speakers and excellent breakout presenters. Many many years ago I came to this conference to learn about the advancement of women . The … [Read more...]
The Vulnerable Leader
The definition of being vulnerable is to be open to criticism or moral attack; to be susceptible to being wounded or hurt. I think it goes without saying that most people do not choose to be in a position where they could be easily hurt or criticized. Most of us, in fact, avoid any situation where we could potentially be exposed to this type of scrutiny or risk. Our … [Read more...]
Leadership Strategies: 3 Rules for Ruling your Business
All entrepreneurs are smart and quick, and love taking risks. Otherwise you would be working for a company where you would have a paycheck safely in your hands every week or two. Sometimes the pace is so fast you have to be reminded to exhale. So here are some ideas to help you take your leadership skills to the next level in a smart and quick way that will benefit you both … [Read more...]
Leadership Legacies: Do We Leave Them Happily Ever After?
The caller’s name was familiar. I listened intently and searched my long term memory bank for a clue. Then it clicked. Memories from 18 years ago began to flash and finally gain focus. She talked about the Leadership in Action trip we led to Peru and her expressive voice was smiling as we shared memories. We had all been so open, so trim, so full of adventure and Connie … [Read more...]
Getting Beyond Unconscious Bias
We are all guilty of bias. It is part of being human. One of the issues facing women in business is continued stereotyping , unconscious bias and the unintended consequences that result. This is one of the most difficult issues organizations face when they are working on culture shifts that must take place if women are to participate on an even playing field. The most … [Read more...]
What You Dont Know Can Hurt You
Many times when working with organizations on strategies to increase gender diversity in the leadership ranks the leaders will say " lets just get all the women together and ask them what they want". While this is noble and certainly talking with the women in the organization to understand how they experience the culture is critical it is not "the answer" . One of the most … [Read more...]
The Business Case for Building a Flexible Work Culture- Part III
In the Part I and II of this series we talked about the opportunity to support our need for flexible work cultures with a solid business case. We outlined the fact that the majority of our employees require flexibility at some point in their careers. Research increasingly points to flexibility as one of the most important career considerations of staff, emerging leaders and … [Read more...]
The Business Case for Building Flexible Work Cultures- Series Part II
In the Part I of this series we talked about the opportunity to support our need for flexible work cultures with a solid business case. We outlined the fact that the majority of our employees require flexibility at some point in their careers. Research increasingly points to flexibility as one of the most important career considerations of staff, emerging leaders and even our … [Read more...]