Many corporations create an HR policy that suggests it's best to promote from within. Look at the existing talent and resources within your organization before your search to fill current or potential job openings takes you outside the company. It's a good policy and it makes sound business sense on many levels. Is it possible for us to mirror this policy for our own … [Read more...]
Dealing with sensitive issues in the workplace
A blog post about telling someone they need to look more professional at work got me thinking about the best way to handle sensitive issues in the workplace. … [Read more...]
Walking the Line at Work. Choosing Appropriate Attire
I was on the fast track. It was just a little over a year since I was hired for an entry level position with a medical management company and I was promoted to executive status. I loved my job. I got to travel and meet and work with wonderful people. I was good a managing others and excelled at my job. Corporate headquarters was on Madison Avenue in New York City. We had … [Read more...]
Promote Women. It’s Profitable
I read a very interesting article recently in The Boston Globe called, "The Female Advantage. A New Reason for Businesses to Promote Women: It's More Profitable." The premise of the article is that companies with more female leadership in place at the Board and executive level are more … [Read more...]
Fear of Failure
Chance is always powerful. Let your hook be always cast; in the pool where you least expect it, there will be a fish. ~ Ovid What great wisdom from a Roman poet. But how often are we willing to take risks and take chances. It's pretty scary, right? Have you thought about what your business would look like if you had NO fear of failure and rejection? Fear is such a powerful … [Read more...]
No business loan, no blueprint: How Jazzercise became a multi-million dollar business by staying true to core values
What do you really need to start a business? Most top 3 lists look something like this: 1. A business loan 2. A business plan 3. A detailed business model or structure According to Jazzercise founder and current CEO Judi Sheppard Missett, her incredibly successful business didn’t require any of these to get off the ground. I recently had the chance to talk with … [Read more...]
Self-Promotion is a Must Have Skill
Self-promotion is a must have skill in today's marketplace. How you use your reputational power and how you promote yourself is key to staying marketable. We, as women, are especially sensitive about selling ourselves, stepping into the spotlight, and talking about ourselves in a positive manner. In my 20+ years of business experience, I have seen the consequences when women … [Read more...]
Networking: It’s About Giving
What is the real purpose of networking for business? Traditionally, it has always been about meeting people in order to acquaint them with your business, and hopefully, to solicit their support to build your business, or better yet, to get an immediate referral! The traditional goal has always been more about quantity than quality. How many people can I meet at one event? How … [Read more...]
How to Stop Scaring Big Prospects
Whale cultures can be maddening to smaller, more entrepreneurial companies. Have you ever been selling into a very large company and left meetings perplexed because they would not make a decision that was so clearly in their best interests? How can you explain their reluctance? How can you bring them to a decision? The nature of big companies and government agencies is to … [Read more...]
8 Tips to Prepare for Your Performance Review
A performance review is a great opportunity to showcase your contribution to the organization and highlight your accomplishments for the past year. Always be prepared for your review. The worst thing you can do is to walk into a performance review cold. Here are some simple tips to set the stage for a great review that showcases your talent and value. … [Read more...]