I had the opportunity to interview a mover and shaker, whose passion for reaching out into the community made me want to quit my job and work with her. Susan Bass Levin is the head of the Cooper Hospital Foundation in New Jersey. A lawyer by training and an entrepreneur and community advocate in her hear,t she listened to an internal drum beat that said “see a problem-fix a … [Read more...]
Leadership Challenges: Start with a Strong Spine
When we meet people, we are always looking for the core of who they are. Sometimes we just observe, other times we ask lots of questions. When I met Peggy McColl at the 21st Century Book Marketing Conference in San Diego, I first observed. A seasoned speaker she was engaging and had a wealth of important information about the power of online marketing to capture … [Read more...]
Getting Beyond Unconscious Bias
We are all guilty of bias. It is part of being human. One of the issues facing women in business is continued stereotyping , unconscious bias and the unintended consequences that result. This is one of the most difficult issues organizations face when they are working on culture shifts that must take place if women are to participate on an even playing field. The most … [Read more...]
How to Increase your Search Results through Social Media
Are you just "managing" your online social profile? Or are you taking a lead by collaborating and participating with others through comments, wall posts, Twitter feeds, blogging, and discussion threads? By adding a layer of proactivity onto our social media, we have the opportunity to use our social posting as a great way to increase the number of search results associated … [Read more...]
Leadership and Meryl Streep
I must admit, that while Sandra Bullock is a super actress, I was so sad and unhappy that Meryl Streep did not win the “Best Actress” Oscar at the Academy Awards Ceremony last night. I’ll go on the assumption that both films are worthy. I’ll go on the assumption that both actresses are wonderful. And yet, maybe it’s my own sentimentality, maybe even a bit of loyalty. Meryl … [Read more...]
Women Leaders and Male Partnership
In any learning process, there is a tendency to go to extremes before finding middle ground. Take driving, for example. Most teens start by driving very, very slowly, learning when to accelerate and when to put the brakes on. Then there is a time when we all want to experiment with speed, until either fender hits fender, or a ticket is handed by an unsmiling policeman. Most … [Read more...]
Women Leadership and Mad Men
Some revolutions are bloody, and some are flash-in-the-pan moments. The women’s movement began quietly with a book “The Feminine Mystique”, moved to bra burning, and gained traction with consciousness raising groups. All of that seems like it was centuries ago. We now head large organizations, are in key positions in government, and have a say in just about everything. … [Read more...]
You were asked to write a Linkedin.com recommendation…Now What?
Social media is all the rage and certainly a powerful medium at that! Linkedin.com career profile marketing is the cornerstone for gaining immediate visibility worldwide. Fantastic! Each day, the numbers increase with new users, broadened network connections, and information to easily boost your knowledge base. Perhaps one of the most frequently discussed topics pertains … [Read more...]
Leadership and “Process till you Puke”!
In every business, in every life, it is vital to process all information and even emotional content to make sure that you are making the best decisions you can make. Yet, there are extremes and when you get caught at one end point of the spectrum or the other, there is a tendency to either deny what is going on, or indulge in over-thinking the process. One of our best … [Read more...]
Healthcare and Women
One of the most well-run and informative meetings I went to last year was the HBA conference in San Francisco. The Healthcare Businesswomen Association is a class act. What impressed me was the juggling act done to show the strong side of women in a mostly male dominated industry, as well as the feminine side that we, as women, need to maintain for our own sanity. The women … [Read more...]