I love surprises! Being listed among the Top 20 Leadership Books for emerging leaders made my day, actually it made my week. Up there with Covey, Maxwell, Bennis, and Blanchard is wonderful. I must admit, however, while I love to be there I was sad about the limited number of other women on this list. Hey ladies, what do you have to say about that? Top 20 leadership … [Read more...]
Got Ambition?
Guest post by Laura Yecies (learn more about Laura at the end of this post) I recently stumbled upon a women and workplace survey from MORE magazine which raises the question of the ambition of women, and lays out data from the survey related to what we really want from our careers. A few stats especially caught my eye, including “When asked point-blank, 43 percent of … [Read more...]
Break Through the Glass Ceiling
In the recent decades women have moved forwards in leaps and bounds, gaining voting rights and steady jobs. It has gone from something unusual and strange to the norm in society to have both members of a household working in steady jobs. However, despite all of the changes that have occurred, the 2010 Catalyst Census and surveys by CareerCurve Workforce Solutions have shown … [Read more...]
Are You Holding Yourself Back?
Many women wonder why they may not be advancing as quickly as they wish in work, or why some of the men simply ignore their ideas. A recent study by Europe’s Institute of Leadership and Management has suggested that it may not simply be gender inequality that is causing this dynamic, but a lack of confidence displayed by women in the workplace. Another study by McKinsey … [Read more...]
Hey Boss, Your Policy is Stupid!
As business owners we often set policies and procedures from a reactive point of view. Something happened that brought the situation to our attention and then we put things in place to ensure they don’t happen again. But is this the best way to create policies? Can your staff weigh in on their effectiveness and when they do, do their opinions matter? If you have a sense that … [Read more...]
Do You Want to Land the Job of Your Dreams?
Guest post by Patricia Sadar (learn more about Patricia at the end of this post). You may consider yourself a superwoman when it comes to juggling your calendar, work schedule, friends, and loved ones. Take a moment to answer the following questions to see how committed you are: Do you have a solid career plan with time lines? Do you know what your next career step … [Read more...]
The Inside Scoop on Recruiting
Once you strike out on your own, your relationships with recruiters change. When you were looking for a full-time job, they represented a way to get your foot in the door at a company. As an entrepreneur, their roles shift slightly. They still help you get a foot in the door, but now they also bring the ability to provide new projects. The one thing that continually frustrates … [Read more...]
Knowing the difference between men and women is easy when we look at body parts. It is not so easy when we think about how our brains operate differently, yet they sure do. Let’s just take the example of men and women in meetings. Now, we all know meetings are most likely to have some stress components. Knowing the differences in ways that we respond to stimuli can make the … [Read more...]
Are Women the Adults in the Room?
Post by Jane K. Stimmler, contributing Women on Business writer How many women friends and colleagues do you know who constantly (and with reverence) refer to their mental and written lists, and the importance of regularly "checking things off?" Are you one of them? It seems to me like there's an epidemic of hyper-organized list-making women who aren't happy until they're … [Read more...]
Women in Sales
Sales can be a scary thing to do for anyone and can seem especially daunting for women. It is generally seen as the realm of the men, the car salesman and the schmoozer. While it is the home of the smooth talking male it actually is the realm of women and an industry which seems to be ahead of the curve in terms of evening out the work force. Direct Sales as an industry … [Read more...]