In an article on, Kathy Caprino asks, "Where are the Women on Fortune's '40 under 40' List?" That's a very good question. According to Fortune, the most innovative, powerful, and impressive business people under the age of 40 are nearly all men. As Caprino notes, the first woman on the list can't be found until #20 where Google VP Marissa Mayer landed. Just 5 … [Read more...]
Where Does Your Resume Go? [Infographic]
Have you ever wondered where your resume goes after you submit it through an electronic system? Lisa Vaas explains the process in detail, including tips to make sure your resume gets noticed, in a report for The Ladders. You can read the complete report here. In the meantime, check out the flowchart infographic (which is part of the full report) below. From how to start your … [Read more...]
Ways to Improve Your Resume After a Career Break
Guest Post by Margaret Francis. Ways to Improve Your Resume After a Career Break Life happens and sometimes that means that you will have to take a leave of absence from work. You may have to take a break due to pregnancy, illness, or some other type of personal situation. Regardless of the reason, it is important to stay connected to the industry and improve your … [Read more...]
New Catalyst Study Proves Women Still Lag Behind… and Provides Some Answers
The newest report released by Catalyst, titled The Myth of the Ideal Worker: Does Doing All the Right Things Really Get Women Ahead?, has been released… and it’s disheartening. The goal of the report was to research typical myths involving women’s career development and their chances of being promoted. As a woman who generally feels empowered and that I am capable of doing … [Read more...]
Spicy in Philadelphia: Meet Melinda Emerson
I am having such a great time interviewing some of the presenters for the Pennsylvania Conference for Women that will take place October 25th in Philadelphia. Many of those who will offer speeches and workshops are from all over the country. However, some are homegrown, like Melinda Emerson whose lively manner and crisp commentary … [Read more...]
Business Schools: Their Role in Breaking Through the Glass
Women are enrolling and graduating from college every day. Yet the number of women in upper management and executive roles is significantly less then the number of women graduating from college. Business schools and programs play a huge role in helping women balance the gender roles, providing women with the information and tools they need to get into these jobs. These … [Read more...]
Retaining and Developing Talent that Represents the Future
Jill is an African American woman with ten years of experience in consulting. She is certified and versatile in the areas of practice in which she might contribute now and in the future. She has deep community roots in the major metropolitan area in which she works and she has shown great promise in promoting the organization in the market. She has demonstrated ability to … [Read more...]
Making Sure You Aren’t The Problem
This article,, gives everyone some questions to ask yourself when you are having problems with your boss. Most times bosses mean well, but if everyone, including the bosses, took a step back and asked a few questions of themselves a lot of office politics could likely be … [Read more...]
Can You Afford to Follow Your Career Passion?
Guest Post by Roz Kirby Walker (learn more about Roz at the end of this post). Are you working in the area of your passion? According to a survey conducted by the Gallup Organization, only 20 percent of employees who work in large organizations feel that their strengths are in play every day. If you identify with the 80 percent who feel their strengths are under-utilized in … [Read more...]
The USPS Lesson
The post office is nearly bankrupt, the cost cutting is not working. We are in danger of losing a service that is vital to many small businesses. So while other business blogs are looking at this situation and wondering what went wrong, I’m asking “what can we learn?” The postal situation is not unique and what it highlights is how the wrong type of organizational culture can … [Read more...]