I am a hot weather person—can’t tolerate cold, or even chilly, and love hot whether it’s dry or steamy. Yet every summer, when the outdoor temperature finally gets comfortable for me, I have to deal with the battle of the air conditioners. Yesterday I walked to lunch in gorgeous weather for mid-summer—82 degrees, slight breeze—from my perspective it was perfect. The … [Read more...]
Enough of the glum!
I refuse to be negative and panicky about all this recession stuff. Sure it is impacting our world, but it is certainly not the end of it as the media can sometimes lead people to believe. … [Read more...]
Creating and Maintaining your Website
Many of my friends who are getting laid off or struggling with the economy right now are wondering if there is a way to set up an easy website and get started with promoting a side business or a new business. From what I understand, it's tough going out there and to some extent I'm really grateful, fortunate, and thankful for all of you who support my web design business, … [Read more...]
Using Savvy to Link with Key People
Post by Jane K. Stimmler, contributing Women On Business writer Last week I talked about the importance of political savvy. One big component in being savvy is to understand the roles of the key people who make and influence decisions in your company or organization. This is a practice that can also be applied to your clients. When you have a project or idea to move … [Read more...]
How to eliminate mindless complaining
A few glum people can drag a whole workplace down. We’ve all met people that even if they won a tonne of dosh in the lottery would still be sporting their ‘woe is me’ face because they didn’t win first division. … [Read more...]
Dealing with sensitive issues in the workplace
A blog post about telling someone they need to look more professional at work got me thinking about the best way to handle sensitive issues in the workplace. … [Read more...]
Is Your Business Style on Target?
Post by Jane K. Stimmler, contributing Women On Business writer How often have you seen a colleague in action at a meeting or conference and said to yourself – wow, doesn’t she realize she phrases every sentence like a question?… or…she looks like she’s ready to go to a party, not a meeting… or…she rambles way too long when she talks…or…she seems like she’s really unfriendly … [Read more...]
Jump In and Get Your Ideas Heard
Post by Jane K. Stimmler, contributing Women On Business writer A wonderful woman who worked for my firm came to every client meeting armed with pen and paper. Though her title was Vice President, and she was experienced and educated, during meetings she sat and took notes. She didn’t contribute to the conversation until and unless she was asked a direct question. As I saw … [Read more...]
Woman – Edit Thyself!
Post by Jane K. Stimmler, contributing Women On Business writer When I was giving a workshop to a group of women leaders in the field of education a couple of years ago, we reached the segment on self-promotion. Each participant took time to prepare her 2 minute “elevator speech” and when volunteers were called for, several women raised their hands. We had just covered the key … [Read more...]
Managing and Protecting your Online Identity
These days your Google search results are your resume (or so some would have you believe). I use Gravatar to add a photo near my comments, and I keep my online profile up-to-date on most of the channels Claimid.com/monicadear. Here are ten steps to managing your online identity and protecting your personal and professional identity, reputation, credit score, and bank … [Read more...]