Post by Jane K. Stimmler, contributing Women On Business writer Of all the differences between genders in the workplace, perhaps the most obvious is the stark contrast in the ways women and men communicate. And, in surveys that poll men and women about workplace style, while they may express differing opinions about many things – men and women seem to agree almost unanimously … [Read more...]
When the Audience Comes Backstage
Six Degrees of Separation - the idea that you are connected to everyone else in the world by no more than six links – has been championed throughout the world of social media since the latter’s conception. The further in we go, and the more friends we add on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and the like, the more we see that this is true. Rather than a few strong connections, … [Read more...]
Offer Others an All-Access Pass
Post by Frances Cole Jones, contributing Women On Business writer Few things are as off-putting as asking someone to exchange information with you, only to have them give you their office’s main number, and their assistant’s extension. Similarly, if and when you are asked for your information, it’s important to be generous. I’m not suggesting you hand over your home telephone … [Read more...]
Laughter is Serious Business
If you make me laugh--odds are I'll do business with you. It's not scientific nor is it intentional but as I look back at the largest business transactions in my career they were a result of somehow making someone laugh along the way and vice-versa! There are plenty of successful people that are serious and rigid, so I figure there's room enough for someone like me. I guess … [Read more...]
Person, Brand Thyself
‘Today you are you, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is youer than you.’ – Dr. Seuss Wise words from another children’s author. Yet in this age of branding, of social media, of digitisation to the extreme, how are we to know who we are? Rather than staying at home and pondering their choices, people go around the world to ‘find themselves’, when the … [Read more...]
When the CEO is singing a different song to the workers…
There is this interesting test which illustrates quite well where workplace communication can go wrong. A person is told a song title and asked to tap its tune to another person who has to try and guess what it is. The tapper is asked beforehand if they think the person will be able to guess it from their tapping – almost all say yes. HOWEVER: only one in forty people actually … [Read more...]
The Very Hungry Caterpillar
Unlike George Bush, who famously cited The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle as one of his favourite books from his childhood despite it having been published when he was 23, I was born after its publication and have very fond memories of reading it as a child. This year marks its 40th anniversary, and it is still a much-loved classic. Yesterday also marked the beginning … [Read more...]
Tell Me My Baby’s Ugly
I don't have kids so it's easy for me to say. I know it sounds harsh, but if I did have kids I'd really rather know. So often in business we are forced to work with people who won't go to that place of, "tell it like it is." I'm not suggesting you lose all regard and respect for common decency, I am saying be the person who's known for telling the good, the bad and the … [Read more...]
Why it’s Important to Be Specific
I'm in my fifth year of business, which I've heard is a milestone-- if we've made it this far, we must be doing something right. One recurring instance that I've found --in my humble experience-- to be a deal shaper is the skill involved in hiring the right person to do the specific job. Do not hire a plumber to do electrical repair. Do not hire a photographer to do web … [Read more...]
It’s All in the Timing
Post by Frances Cole Jones, contributing Women On Business writer “Timing: the alpha and omega of aerialists, jugglers, actors, diplomats, publicists, generals, prize fighters, revolutionists, financiers, dictators, lovers.” Marlene Dietrich didn’t speak often, but in this instance it was worth waiting for. Because although most of us pay lip service to … [Read more...]