You might not be able to predict the future, but that doesn't mean you can't prepare for it. By taking a look at some of the top customer service trends for 2023, you can get a head start on making the changes your business needs to stay ahead of the competition. The Evolution of Customer Service in the Digital Age It's no secret that customer service has evolved quite a bit … [Read more...]
5 Best Ways to Boost Your Customer Retention Rate
As we're halfway through the year, entrepreneurs across the globe are preparing themselves to rise above the negative impact of COVID-19 and hoping to get a strategic jump on crucial business aspects such as customers. It's often perceived that gaining new customers is like hitting a home run. Although this notion is true, no business should just be focused on expanding … [Read more...]
10 Steps to Deliver Better Social Media Customer Service
Your business needs to have a process in place to deliver exceptional customer service when and where people are looking for it, and that includes on social media. Every day, consumers post questions about brands and products on their social media profiles, particularly on Twitter and Facebook. Some might even take the time to go to your business' Facebook Page to post a … [Read more...]
7 Tips to Build a Business Based on Relationships
You can only take your business so far by yourself. Past that, you need successful relationships with clients, vendors and other professionals to take your business to the next level. Go Above and Beyond One of the best ways to build a relationship with clients is to go above and beyond what you’re called to do. If the contract stipulates 10 customer service sessions, and … [Read more...]
4 Ways To Commit To Excellence In Your Business
Recently, while visiting my parents, I needed to get a key made. Since Home Depot was the closest place, I went in and found a sales associate. I didn’t know where the right department was, so I asked. Do you know the response I got? “So what do you want me to do about it?” To say my husband and I were shocked is an understatement. Could you imagine saying that to one … [Read more...]
14 Ways to Show Your Clients and Your Business Some Love
Valentine’s Day may be fleeting, but there are still 14 days left in February to shower your clients, and your own business, with some heartfelt acknowledgement and appreciation. This short 'n' sweet post will get you going in the right direction, internally and externally. Once you start down the list, you'll likely notice a few tactics you can expand upon. For Your … [Read more...]
Customer Satisfaction: Results vs. Effort
One of the hard truths of business is that you are paid and evaluated on your results, not your effort—a fact that occasionally makes “knocking it out of the park” with pricing feel unattainable. (And job satisfaction, less than desirable.) Particularly for businesses that specialize in custom services (raising my hand; are you as well?), establishing concrete pricing is … [Read more...]
PR 101: Customer Service Counts
Interesting business conversations can crop up just about anywhere—if you're paying attention and know exactly how, and when, to jump in. Such was the case the other day, during an informal meeting with a potential client. Informal, because our entire meeting took place at the checkout counter of her specialty food market. I knew from the start, that there would be … [Read more...]
Buy and Get Out!
As entrepreneurs sometimes we get so preoccupied with making sales that we forget to take care of the customer. Sadly enough that seems to be the rule rather than the exception the bigger the company. I had one such experience with the vendor Verizon Wireless chose to insure their devices. My company moved to Verizon less than a month ago and as a consultant I get paid by the … [Read more...]
Build your Brand by Building Relationships
What better day to mull the topic of relationships than today? After all, the masses (and, you and me) have been at it all week, conjuring up the perfect plan to show their significant other that he/she is special, and taking extra care not to overlook any hidden expectations. I'm trusting you've got that one in the bag, but what about your business relationships? Have you … [Read more...]