In recognition of Women’s History Month this March – and with seemingly never ending gender disparities in earnings and leadership roles – the personal finance website WalletHub has published its report on the Best & Worst States for Women in 2025, featuring expert commentary. The study compared all 50 states and the District of Columbia, using 25 key metrics. These … [Read more...]
The Longer a Woman’s Career, the Greater the Gender Pay Gap
Every woman’s career journey is unique. But whether it involves a linear path up the corporate ladder or detours for motherhood or other opportunities, that journey tends to run into one frustratingly consistent obstacle: the gender pay gap. Not only has the difference between the earnings of men and women failed to narrow significantly over the past several years, but the pay … [Read more...]
Women In Sales: Closing the Gender Gap
According to recent research, 29.5% of all salespeople are women, while 70.5% are men. And yet, according to a Harvard Business Review study, women are the ones who are outperforming their male counterparts – with 86% achieving quota, compared to 78% of men. So despite the statistics, how and why are women making a larger impact in the sales industry, and what can be done to … [Read more...]
110 Women Supporting Women Quotes to Inspire and Motivate You
Women still have a long road to achieve true gender equality, but every young girl and every woman's success depends on it while we live in what is still a man's world. Today, we're actually moving backwards in a lot of ways. The good news is strong women will prevail. Female leaders continue to speak out, because more women belong not just at the table but at the head of the … [Read more...]
The Inequity of Equal Pay for Equal Work
From the very moment I decided to jump headfirst into an industry nontraditional to women, I was always clear about needing to show up with my full self. There was never a time when I believed in not giving my very best in pursuit of professionalism and skill mastery. Because of the intrinsic nature of wanting to be the very best at whatever it was I was doing, there was never … [Read more...]
It’s Not You, It’s The System: Reframing Imposter Syndrome
Recent headlines have touted the record-breaking 10% representation of female CEOs in the top Fortune 500 companies for the first time in its 68-year history. Forbes, for example, led with New Year, New Glass Heights: Women Now Comprise 10% of Top US Corporation CEOs. But should we really be celebrating a figure like 10%? At a time when women outnumber men in college … [Read more...]
How to Celebrate International Women’s Day Throughout the Year!
At the beginning of March, across the globe International Women’s Day was celebrated. The day is an opportunity to reflect on the progression that has been made over the years to advance the rights of women in all areas of society. However, it is also an occasion to consider and put into action the changes that undoubtedly still need to happen. The message is clear - to … [Read more...]
Women Lead Differently to Men But Leadership Diversity is Key to Success
According to a study conducted by the National Bureau of Economic Research, women display a more collaborative leadership style, listen better, and encourage more participation. This is backed up by evidence from other studies which show that having a transformational, collaborative model of leadership is highly effective in large organizations with women-led companies … [Read more...]
Why We Need More Women on Executive Boards
This January, Germany has dominated the news for women in business, with their bold step to require stock exchange-listed companies with executive boards of more than three, to have at least one woman on those boards. The cabinet have approved draft legislation to this effect, which according to the Justice Ministry, "would affect about 70 companies – of which 30 currently … [Read more...]
“Excuse Me, I’m Speaking” – 4 Ways to Deal with Manterruptions at Work
If you think that we live in a post-feminist society, then you can’t have watched last week’s Vice Presidential debate. Vice President Pence interrupted VP hopeful Kamala Harris somewhere between 10 and 16 times. For comparison, she interrupted him five times. If politics isn’t your thing, perhaps you caught the viral Tik Tik video of a 22 year old STEM student at the … [Read more...]