Post by Jane K. Stimmler, contributing Women on Business writer I was watching a business channel, CNBC, the other day and it struck me - every woman commentator was glamorous and the men, well, not so much. Why, on a television show devoted to business, must the women be on the younger side with lots of hair and make-up - while the men are mostly aging and craggy … [Read more...]
57 More Years Until the Gender Pay Gap will Close
The gender pay gap isn't isolated to the United States. According to a study by the Chartered Management Institute (CMI), if current salary trends continue, it will take another 57 years for the gender pay gap to close in the United Kingdom. In other words, another half century will go by before men and women will earn the same wages for doing the same work. The Chartered … [Read more...]
The Business Case for Building a Flexible Work Culture- Part III
In the Part I and II of this series we talked about the opportunity to support our need for flexible work cultures with a solid business case. We outlined the fact that the majority of our employees require flexibility at some point in their careers. Research increasingly points to flexibility as one of the most important career considerations of staff, emerging leaders and … [Read more...]
Women and the Changing Global Economy
The numbers have been coming in steadily over the past few years, and there is no way to deny anymore that women are taking greater control of the U.S. economy (and much of the global economy) and doing it quietly and quickly. For example, back in 2008, U.S. News and World Report released data telling us that women controlled 60% of the wealth in the United States. That … [Read more...]
The Aspirations of Women
"Women simply do not have the aspiration to pursue C Suite roles which is why we do not see equal numbers of men and women in leadership positions." I have had this conversation more times then I wish to remember when working with organizations on increasing gender diversity in the leadership ranks. The aspirations of women can be a very perplexing yet popular topic of … [Read more...]
Visibility of Female Leaders
In the past two posts we have been talking about why we do not see more progress in the advancement of women in business , community and politics. In the first post we covered an overview of what is happening to slow down our progress. Much of what happens is subtle and not well understood. (Post May 24) In the second post we talked about the first barrier in more detail- … [Read more...]
The Power of Three
Post by Jane K. Stimmler, contributing Women on Business writer When I learned of the President’s choice for the next Supreme Court Justice a few weeks ago, it hit me immediately – this would be the third woman on the Court. “Three” is the number of women needed to make an impact, according to several research studies. Three shifts the dynamics of corporate boards when … [Read more...]
Success Factors Essential to the Advancement of Women in Business
It is amazing! It is amazing, after all the has been written and all that has been done by organizations and individuals regarding women leaders, that we still hear so much ambiguity in discussion about the lack of progress in the percentage of women leaders in business. We do know what the barriers are and we do know that if these barriers are addressed they turn into … [Read more...]
Why is the Pipeline in Peril?
Post by Jane K. Stimmler, contributing Women on Business writer We all know those dismal and annoying stats about women in business – we’re about half the workforce but only 3% of Fortune 500 CEOs, 15% of board of directors, and 13% of executive officers. It’s also true that women are making great strides and graduating with about half of the advance professional degrees, … [Read more...]
Betty Takes on Walmart
Last week a San Francisco-based 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals certified the largest class-action employment lawsuit in U.S. history. The dispute was first filed in 2001 by Betty Dukes, a store greeter from California, along with five co-workers. The plaintiffs argue that women are paid less and given fewer promotions than their male co-workers, and the lawsuit states that … [Read more...]