We really are different. Our brains are different, as well as the outlook on what is important. I believe we can help each other see new and critical points of view. I also believe we need to give each other space to be ourselves. Often the best way to say “vive la difference” is through humor. Stephen Kapustin, a lawyer in Philadelphia is a graduate of our Total Leadership … [Read more...]
Taking Over Male-Dominated Industries
Post by Veronica Eyenga, contributing Women On Business writer According to WomenEntrepreneur.com and The Center for Women’s Business Research, the number of woman-owned businesses is on the rise. The biggest noticeable difference? Not all woman-owned startups are service industry based, a trend that dominated the last decade. That’s right. With every new woman-owned … [Read more...]
Healthcare and Women
One of the most well-run and informative meetings I went to last year was the HBA conference in San Francisco. The Healthcare Businesswomen Association is a class act. What impressed me was the juggling act done to show the strong side of women in a mostly male dominated industry, as well as the feminine side that we, as women, need to maintain for our own sanity. The women … [Read more...]
Leadership Partnership and Business Possibilities
Clearing out the old to make way for the new is a wonderful practice as we enter a new year. This time, as we graduate into a new decade, the teen years of the century, we have an amazing opportunity to find a better balance and create a different kind of partnership between men and women. I believe that female leaders in the work world can lead the way in positive and … [Read more...]
Partnership for the New Year
This is a wish for all of us - female, male, young, old, every color and part of the planet. Let’s include the animals, trees, and every living thing. Women are the leaders in partnership thinking; we learn it from the very beginning of our journey from womb to tomb. We are hard-wired to think about systems and how they fit together. We are internally programmed every month … [Read more...]
Womenomics 101
Recent research studies indicate a very strong correlation exists between corporate performance and gender balanced leadership; the more diverse the leadership team, the better financial performance of the organization. Focus on the diversity of corporate boards has been viewed as an important step to a more gender balanced leadership. The intent of initiatives to increase … [Read more...]
Are Professional Women’s Networks Passe?
What do you accomplish when you put a group of professional women together in a room? a valid question and now a controversial topic of discussion. Professional women's networks have recently come under fire for perpetuating the ideology that women need to be "fixed" in order to be successful in the workplace. These professional groups were for the most part originally … [Read more...]
Do Women Have Too Many Choices?
Post by Jane K. Stimmler, contributing Women On Business writer Have you ever stood in the cereal aisle of the supermarket and felt overwhelmed by all the choices? Sometimes I wonder whether or not the myriad of brands on the shelf are a positive sign of the freedom we have in our society – or is it a source of confusion and frustration? And, when you think about all the … [Read more...]
If You’re Happy and You Know It…
Clap your hands! Stomp your feet! Well, apparently not too many women are clapping and stomping these days. Recently, there have been many articles and reports on how women’s happiness has declined in the last few decades. Quite honestly, it’s depressing just to read these articles. Many theories have been tossed around; some related to the failure of feminism. These … [Read more...]
The Double Bind Challenge
The common belief that leaders should be competent and assertive (typically traits associated with the male gender) often presents a challenge for women in leadership positions. The double bind challenge is that when in leadership roles, women must not only be competent and assertive, but they must also demonstrate that they are nurturing and selfless. Why? Because they are … [Read more...]