Just about one year ago I personally “discovered” the WNBA—the Women’s National Basketball Association—as embodied by my local team the Indiana Fever. I say “discovered” tongue in cheek, because the Fever celebrate their tenth season this year, so I can’t claim to have been out in front on noticing them or attending to the powerfully good sports entertainment they … [Read more...]
The True Meaning of Equality – Part 2
Post by Karen Wright, contributing Women On Business writer This is the conclusion of a 2-part series entitled "The True Meaning of Equality" by Karen Wright. Follow the link to read Part 1. Women have the intelligence, the wisdom, and the desire to help guide our world into greater stability. It’s in our nature to weigh short-term wins with long-term wellness and to build … [Read more...]
The True Meaning of Equality – Part 1
Post by Karen Wright, contributing Women On Business writer “Men support the strongest among them, but women tend to attack the strongest among them.” I heard these words from a female business consultant and friend over lunch. My gut response was a furious, “That’s a blasphemous lie!” But hot on the heels of that impulse came the disturbing realization that, to a degree, she … [Read more...]
The Chicago Network Releases ‘Women Mean Business’ Census Report
Yesterday, The Chicago Network released its 2007 Chicago Network Census report, Women Mean Business. The Chicago Network is an organization of the Chicago area's leading professional women, and their annual Chicago Network Census report tracks the representation of women in key leadership positions (e.g., board members, executive officers and top earners) based on prior … [Read more...]
World Economic Forum’s Gender Gap Report is Out
I came across a post on the Bizwomen blog called "Where are Women Most Equal" that discusses a new report from the World Economic Forum called "The Global Gender Gap Report."  The annual study examined 128 countries using four key areas:  Economic participation and opportunity – salaries, participation levels and access to high-skilled employment Educational … [Read more...]
Women In Business Still the Minority
Despite the growing number of women obtaining advanced degrees in business, the gender gap between men and women in executive positions is actually growing according to a study by the London Business School's Lehman Brothers Center for Women in Business. The study researched 100 'knowledge workers' in 21 companies across 17 countries and found the following to be true: … [Read more...]
More Men in Executive Positions than Women: 10:1 Ratio
According to a study released in October by the UC Davis Graduate School of Management, women are grossly under-represented in executive positions and board seats. Of course, this comes as no surprise, but it's good to see these statistics being officially and publicly released. UC Davis Graduate School of Management and the Forum for Women Entrepreneurs and Executives … [Read more...]