What were the hot topics of 2013 for women in business? Looking back at the Women on Business archives from the past 12 months, a few topics take the lead: leadership, the business gender gap (including equal pay, the glass ceiling, and so on), and entrepreneurship. Following are some of the most popular articles published on Women on Business by both contributors and … [Read more...]
Managing Expectations
On any given day as an entrepreneur we are expected to navigate staff, money and business situations with little to no insight. How do we know what to do and what to expect? It all starts with understanding what you can expect and who you can expect it from. Here’s what I’ve learned. The only surefire way to fail is to fail to manage you expectations The thing about people … [Read more...]
What and How to Outsource – Infographic
Contrary to popular belief, women cannot do it all. There simply aren't enough hours in the day. It's far better to outsource tasks that don't require your expertise to other people. If you're not in a position to hire employees to provide the assistance you need, then outsourcing tasks to freelancers or vendors is an excellent, strategic decision. In a new infographic … [Read more...]
The Secrets of Success
Running a small business can be the greatest thing you experience as an entrepreneur, to make sure that your business is successful concentrate on strategy. The best thing about strategy is that it creates a roadmap of actionable steps for building your empire, here’s how you start. Be Willful I’m a mom first so let me apologize that most of my advice will inevitably find its … [Read more...]
How Leadership Misses the Mark
Today I had an occasion to really explore something about myself that I already knew. I knew it, but I didn’t know what to do about it. You see I am nothing if not up front about what I like and don’t like, but I often skip conversations that are not productive. The end result is that the irritation builds and then you have a blow up. I learned that this is really passive … [Read more...]
Women in Biz Round-up: 12 posts you’ll be glad you read
Every once in awhile, it's OK to do nothing but sip on a cup of coffee and read. But if you're like me, you have a habit of skipping the fiction, loading up on news, and skimming posts on Facebook and Twitter a little too thoroughly. Lately, I've been soaking up anything I can find on women in business (including posts here). I'll admit that this gets in the way of my … [Read more...]
The Big Dream of a Small Company
I had an interesting conversation today about strategy and growth. What was different about this conversation was that the tone of it just made sense. As my firm has grown and matured, things have changed. The stakes have become bigger, the rewards better and the disappointments more bitter. As I wondered aloud ‘am I dreaming too large’ these are the nuggets the conversation … [Read more...]
From the World Series to the Boardroom
On Wednesday night, the umpires in the World Series gave the business world a lesson in quality. If a call is the right call, it’s the right call. The call was new, upset some people and could still have repercussions but the spirit of the call was spot on. The umps did what all entrepreneurs should do and here is what I learned from the call. Confer with your colleagues This … [Read more...]
Business the Carmelo Anthony Way
Carmelo Anthony is supposedly toying with the idea of being a free agent, definitely a gutsy move for a Knicks player. Here’s why I think it’s the right move and how his thinking can help move your business to the next level. You have to assess your worth Carmelo likened his choice to an evaluation exercise. While this may not make sense to some, for me it’s a brilliant … [Read more...]
What Apps Do You Use Every Day?
Here are some of my apps and my question to you. :) So many people work from home now, but any of us that do know that sometimes "working from home" really means working from your car, or someone else's office, or the soccer field or anywhere else you may be. So we have become a very mobile society and rely on our phones a lot. The age of the smartphone has arrived, taken … [Read more...]