The crux of the situation as many business owners know is consumer spending. As we plan and strategize growth, many of us wonder if our businesses will be around this time next year. Even firms such as my own that concentrate on business services are feeling the crunch that has become the personality trait of this economic climate. If there is a strain on the middle class, many … [Read more...]
IP is the New Black
Last night I learned the best business information that I have heard in quite a while from Oliff & Berridge, PLC wait for it-Intellectual Property Rights. In building our empires we are so caught up in success and growth that we don’t think about risk. After you have spent years building your brand recognition and customer base, how easy is it for someone to come along and … [Read more...]
Disabled Women Succeeding as Entrepreneurs
Many women have found that in order to have the lifestyle they want working in the corporate world is simply too restrictive. Set hours requiring you to commute to an office, clock in and out, then ask for permission to slightly change your schedule – is simply not conducive to an active and busy life. Women with children find the regular work schedule to be even more … [Read more...]
Your Mobile Office – The iPhone
Everyone is busy and rushing around these days. Working women are no exception. There are significant demands placed on our daily lives with no chance of them easing any time soon. For women with children the demands increase as you have to work just as hard at the office prior to rushing home to care for the kids – making dinner, doing homework, then pulling out the laptop … [Read more...]
The Expert is In
As a consultant I am constantly cast in an expert role and for the most part that’s okay, but I want to be clear….I don’t know everything and that’s what makes me an expert. I know a lot about my specialty but when it comes to taking my own advice, I could do a little better. So here’s the best advice that I can give myself and hopefully it will work for you as well. Be still … [Read more...]
Laws of Attraction – Attracting the People You Want
What kind of people are you attracting? Are you attracting the kind of people you want to work with? Or the contractors you want working for you? When writing on your website, twitter, help wanted ads, whatever it may be; it's important to write for the people you want to read it. If you have everything written in very professional language with a very professional … [Read more...]
Everything you need to know about leadership, you learned in Kindergarten
Yesterday as I watched an old episode of ‘How I Met Your Mother’ the story line was about how the kindergarten teacher enacted lessons in kindness using lessons from her Kindergarten class resonated with me. Leadership lessons at their core are taught in Kindergarten and here’s what I mean. Say Please and Thank You When asking for cooperation, which is a key part of every … [Read more...]
6 Ways Green Businesses Make a Difference
There are enough of us who self-identify as "green" businesswomen that I feel confident this is not a false start, a trendy topic, or just an internet meme. Green is here to stay, and if you want your business to succeed in the 21st century, I believe that you must take steps to encourage your company to become more socially responsible, more ethical, more … [Read more...]
The Power of Perception
As a small business there is a perception that the quality of the service we provide is directly linked to our size. The question is whether that perception is true and if it is, are we actually the ones creating that perception? Here’s what I have learned to consider when projecting your business image. Perception trumps ability I’ve noticed that small businesses have a … [Read more...]
Play up your strengths
Focus on your strengths, hand over the rest. We all fall into the trap of thinking we can do it all, or taking on too much. This goes right along with getting help when you need it, but expands upon that thought even more.... make sure you are passing over the right tasks. What are you good at? Maybe you are great at sales, but then dealing with the nitty gritty, … [Read more...]