As an entrepreneur we take on so many responsibilities and one of the most prominent is finding a way to keep those sales coming through the door so that our employees keep a job. But what I have learned is that the short-term month to month thinking doesn’t help your company grow and it almost certainly will mean the death of it. Here’s what I’ve learned about what you need to … [Read more...]
Management by Generations
There is an absolute truth in being an entrepreneur that you will be out of your depth on many occasions. Knowing this fact makes it easier to shift your perspective from a defensive stance to a position on learning from unexpected sources. I recently encountered a similar situation with a younger member of a board for a national organization, here’s what I learned. While it’s … [Read more...]
5 Ways to Look Before Making the Entrepreneurial Leap
Guest Post by Kate Swoboda, aka Kate Courageous (learn more about Kate at the end of this post) People who are considering running their own business often consider doing so from the perspective of leaving a more standard, traditional job–in an office, with a boss, a human resources department, and a steady paycheck. Sometimes that means a hard reckoning–because … [Read more...]
The Guilt Ridden Working Mom
How to Survive those Moments of Guilt - We will all be okay! Whether you work outside the home, or in the home, you have those moments where you feel like you are doing something wrong, or neglecting them. That moment when they cry for someone else, or don't want to be with you, or the ever present "one second honey, mommy's working," "let me just finish this email," and … [Read more...]
Free Website Design Spotlight: A Tool You Can Use
Being a small business owner myself, I understand the utter terror that grips you when you have to make a purchase for your business. Everything costs you a fortune and your cash flow is never where you want it to be. There seems to be a never ending mantra “I know I need it, but I just can’t afford it right now”. Well ladies the wait is over. We all know that to be successful … [Read more...]
WAHM’s Conquering the World
Conquering the world isn't an easy job. In the world of entrepreneurship there are endless possibilities in the type of work or business you may be running. Many are home based and may even be internet based. This allows us to be home, run our own schedule and take charge of our lives. It also leaves the general public room to wonder what you do for work and in my own … [Read more...]
Are the Costs Worth It?
Being an entrepreneur is hard and the sacrifices you will make will grow as the company does. I’ve encountered a lot of losses on my road and I was having an interesting conversation this morning where this question was asked. ‘Was it worth the costs?’ I didn’t have an answer then, I just knew that when I thought about doing anything else, I got this really heavy feeling in my … [Read more...]
You Are The Company’s Greatest Asset
The number of people choosing to work for themselves continues to rise. Entrepreneurs inspired by a vision and a dream set out on a course of business ownership, their only tools often being their mind, creativity and experience. If this is you, both now and in the future you may be your company’s greatest asset. Until you are able to grow your company to a large enough … [Read more...]
Retirement Options For The Self Employed
Starting a business is a key component of the American dream. The entrepreneurial spirit is as old as the explorers that first graced our shores. It was the quest for something better, desire for exploration and discovery along with financial gain that led European explorers to raise funds, hire a crew and set sail for the New World. America was built on the innovations of … [Read more...]
Are proposals worth it?
As a professional services firm, I spend an awful lot of my time preparing and submitting proposals. They are time consuming, sometimes costly and not immediately effective. So why submit them? Well there are a million reasons against them, but here are my top 5 reasons for them. They introduce your company and your ability I am not a formal person, but I do know what I know … [Read more...]