Have you ever tried blogging at Starbucks? I love it. There is so much juicy content that you find to write about. Across from me right now is the perfect ideal of the corporate woman. Flawless hair, dressed like a man, and sitting perfectly stiff. She’s completely organized and the person we need to be running our corporate business models. Over in the corner is the … [Read more...]
The Church of Business
Starting a business is optimism incarnate and we have all had that moment when the question” what are you working on now?” seems to be an indictment of our failure as an entrepreneur. I’ve noticed that there are some silver linings when warm leads dry up and you have to roll your sleeves up to stay in business. You learn what you are made of Failure isn’t for everybody … [Read more...]
Four Ways to Serve Your Clients Better andHave That Cash Windfall You’re Looking For!
To become an expert in your field, you are going to have to do some research. I’ve spent thousands of dollars on coaches, trainings, and university classes, all to discover that my biggest problem was getting real with ME! Here’s what I mean. There is a way to serve your clients better and to have that cash windfall that you are looking for. One of the biggest assets … [Read more...]
Dealing with Difficult Personalities
Leadership is one of those jobs that no matter how good the pay, it is never enough for the amount of personality issues you deal with. Well this morning as I had the honor of dealing with a difficult personality, I managed to garner a few nuggets of wisdom. Remember they have a point While this nugget is hard to swallow when the difficult personality has decided to … [Read more...]
Questions of Greatness
Many people think that entrepreneurs have delusions of grandeur, but the truth is that many of us are running on fear. The fear that we may fail, the fear that we may be a success or the fear that we may find out that entrepreneurship is not for us. As I was going over the usual suspects for an article topic this morning, it dawned on me that there are specific … [Read more...]
1 in 2 Independent Consultants are Women [Infographic]
Statistics show women are joining the growing independent consulting sector at a rapid pace. Women make up less than half (47%) of the traditional workforce, but they make up 53% (8.5 million) of the independent workforce. A new study from MBO Partners reports that 77% these women are satisfied and 74% plan on remaining in independent work. The top reasons women cite for … [Read more...]
Happy Women Work From Home
Today's women can work at home and still hold an executive position and even make millions from sitting behind a lap top computer. In fact... you can be extremely HAPPY working from home because you don't have to get dressed up, fight traffic and you can work out whenever you want to. Just schedule it! The internet allows us to have freedom to raise our children, have … [Read more...]
What’s Your Worth?
Yesterday I had the good fortune to have lunch with an established mentor and the question floating around the table was 'how do you know your worth as a consultant'? I thought the answer rang true for any business owner and here’s what I got from the conversation. When you’re not sure of what you know, you charge for everything This is true for all industries, when you … [Read more...]
You Unique Selling Proposition, An Essential Ingredient To Success
Lately, I’ve surrounded myself with many powerful women. They are everywhere in my life. Thankfully, there’s an abundance of them, and I’m so grateful for that. What’s the common denominator? They are all boldly living their purpose!They all have found their unique selling proposition and know that it is an essential ingredient to their success. It changes how you take … [Read more...]
Stop The Roller Coaster Of Having Money and Then Not Having Money!
Big subject here! Are you in a roller coaster of having money then not having it? The good news is that I’ve been there and I can help you. After many years of struggling financially. Landing the good job, having a great month, and then not having two pennies to rub together at the end of the year is all too familiar to me. It’s not a fun place to be, and the truth is … [Read more...]