This column has given me the venue to talk about a lot of the little quirks we face when running a small business, but I realize the one thing that I haven't fully addressed is the sometimes dysfunctional but always loving relationship I have with my business. Yes, I admit it. I am in a long-term relationship with my business, for better or worse. So SPC my love, here are the … [Read more...]
Tonight we start a new GUTSY WOMEN WEEKEND. We are doing them every other month and they are making a difference for women who are in leadership positions or are emerging leaders. So, what does that have to do with memories? Nothing….. and everything. You see most programs want to stay with present situations and move forward. We believe that we need to clear the past … [Read more...]
Women Entrepreneurs: Do You Know Who You Are?
It’s a funny thing when we step into being a woman entrepreneur because we hold so many more roles today than in the past. The question comes down to, “Do you know who you are?” One minute you are a mother or you know that you should be a mother. Because your clock is ticking . . . The next minute you are wondering how you could possibly do any more than you already are … [Read more...]
Seminars: Women’s Networking
Should women use seminars to network and build their businesses? I say YES for sure. It’s one of the best investments that you can do for your online business. Always look at your decisions asmultiple streams of investments. That’s how you’ll grow many roads to increasing your income. Here’s what I mean: I just spent five days at the Messenger Summit with 200 attendees … [Read more...]
Women And Money: The Art Of Creating More!
“Women and money” is a top subject these days. Recent studies show that women will be the richer gender within the next two years. This leads me to a discussion that we just had in a women’s leadership council the other weekend. After stating this fact, the feminine crowd burst out clapping as if we were winning a race against the men. Are we competing against the MEN, … [Read more...]
Making The Hard Decision To Stay Or To Let Things Go!
We are talking today about when you are scared to move forward but you know that you have to make a choice to stay or to leave! Do you believe that sometimes things just aren’t meant to be? It’s a hard truth to accept, especially when you love somebody or something. It can make it harder to hold when the humane thing is to let go. As businesswomen, we have paths filled … [Read more...]
The 5 Friends Every Entrepreneur Needs
We entrepreneurs are an optimistic set; some would even say we have our head in the clouds. Some of us are cautious, some bean counters by nature and some of us are the dreamers. We are the people that can actually visualize the dream happening. With this near foolish optimism, there are 5 friends that every kind of entrepreneur should have. The Cheerleader This is the … [Read more...]
Innovative Branding For Female Entrepreneurs
The complexity of branding can be confusing when you come from the perspective that your brand is all about you, it is and it is not. Being a modern day figure in the marketplace of female empowerment leader and spiritual innovator leads one to believe that my life is my message, my image is my brand, my ideas are what the public is searching and looking for, if I come from … [Read more...]
The Success of Failure
Entrepreneurs are created for a variety of reason, but the most pressing question is 'have you been successful because of skill or luck?' Most entrepreneurs will be very offended at this question, but it has merit and whether we like it or not every story of success is tinged with the luck. You were at the right place, with the right product and you met the right person. Just … [Read more...]
When the Student is Ready, a Teacher Appears
As I listen to the stories of the business world and how many mistakes CEO’s make, I think about how no one talks about the lessons that they learned on the way to that success. There is a tendency to hold out successful business owners as gurus, when the reality is that they were blessed with good teachers and the ability to learn from previous failures. For some of us no one … [Read more...]