How to Get the Government to Promote Your Start-up Recently there has been buzz around New York City Mayor Michael Blumberg giving support to a local start-up Zaarly. So how did Zaarly land a prominent leader to support their start-up? Eric Koester, Zaarly's co-founder and chief marketing officer, provides great tips to any new start-ups in the early stages. Here are … [Read more...]
Sales For All Seasons
As we all rush out to do some holiday shopping and retailers put their best foot forward, as a small business owner you want to be sure that your sales don’t cripple your business. Attracting new customers is great, but what you want is repeat business and customer loyalty. Stick with these tips and build a relationship, not a sale. Listen to your customers While it is … [Read more...]
Women and Remote Working
There is currently a shift in the global work place with the rise in remote workers around the world. Due to the use of the internet, you can hire employees from across the world and have them work while you are sleeping. With this change and the rising number of women choosing to work remotely from home offices or other places, there are many things to consider. When your … [Read more...]
A Gutsy Woman Leader Occupies Wall Street
There she was, tufts of purple hair framing her face as she stood daring the policeman to arrest her. “What if I punch you in the eye?” she queried. “What if I knee’ d you in the groin?” she challenged. She was told she would not be arrested if she stayed with the protestors and that made the day much brighter. Think about it. What do you do when you feel the passion … [Read more...]
The Capable Employee
As a modern business owner, I’ve caught the fever to rely on gadgets and depend on electronic communication in lieu of actually picking up the phone; but I wonder, have I done my company a disservice? As I visit client sites and assess the challenges they face, it becomes clear that sometimes the culprit is not the employee, it’s the technology. Excessive reliance on … [Read more...]
Hey Boss, Your Policy is Stupid!
As business owners we often set policies and procedures from a reactive point of view. Something happened that brought the situation to our attention and then we put things in place to ensure they don’t happen again. But is this the best way to create policies? Can your staff weigh in on their effectiveness and when they do, do their opinions matter? If you have a sense that … [Read more...]
Gloria Steinem and Fear Busters
There were all kinds of sizes, shapes and ages at the Pa. Women’s Conference in October. Close to 4,000 women gathered to listen, compare, critique, and collaborate. It was stimulating. One well deserved standing ovation went to Gloria Steinem, still beautiful in her 70's. With hair pulled back and little make-up, she is a great example of how one can age gracefully and … [Read more...]
The Inside Scoop on Recruiting
Once you strike out on your own, your relationships with recruiters change. When you were looking for a full-time job, they represented a way to get your foot in the door at a company. As an entrepreneur, their roles shift slightly. They still help you get a foot in the door, but now they also bring the ability to provide new projects. The one thing that continually frustrates … [Read more...]
Knowing the difference between men and women is easy when we look at body parts. It is not so easy when we think about how our brains operate differently, yet they sure do. Let’s just take the example of men and women in meetings. Now, we all know meetings are most likely to have some stress components. Knowing the differences in ways that we respond to stimuli can make the … [Read more...]
Grab the Money!
It’s no secret that you need capital to operate and grow, but then comes the question how do you get it? For some of the lucky ones they have the personal cash to use or they are able to tap well heeled friends and family for the money. For the unlucky ones, you need money to operate and grow, but where do you get it? Tap your community bank. An often overlooked … [Read more...]