One of the more complicated tasks for a business owner is being able to correctly classify the people working for you. As a one man shop it it’s fairly easy, when you pull someone in it is a temporary arrangement. As a larger operation, it gets a bit tougher. The Department of Labor and the IRS have just made this issue more complicated. The Department of Labor and the IRS … [Read more...]
Business Schools: Their Role in Breaking Through the Glass
Women are enrolling and graduating from college every day. Yet the number of women in upper management and executive roles is significantly less then the number of women graduating from college. Business schools and programs play a huge role in helping women balance the gender roles, providing women with the information and tools they need to get into these jobs. These … [Read more...]
HP Headed to Hotel California?
HP has made some controversial decisions lately, but is Meg Whitman a great strategic move or the kiss of death for this once great tech company? HP announced Whitman’s appointment on September 22, 2011 but given the public comments, customers seem to think it’s a bad choice. It’s my stance that HP usually leaps before it looks and I am not sure that I am sold on Whitman as … [Read more...]
Looking for the Perfect Job? Become an Entrepreneur
Guest post by Amy Abrams ( learn more about Amy at the end of this post). When I started my career almost twenty years ago, I wanted to find meaningful and creative work, make a good living and eventually have a family. Oh, and did I mention I wanted to travel, take time off when I wanted to and not have anyone tell me what to do? At the time, it sounded like a fantasy. Today, … [Read more...]
Women Entrepreneurs: Tory Johnson; Fired Up Rather than Fired From
Were you ever fired from a job? Just the thought is chill-inducing. Fired, it means failure, finished, foolish, and a lot of words that are meant to be esteem-downers. That’s how it was for Tory Johnson when she was a twenty something and on the rise in corporate America. Within one hour she had fallen from grace and was out on the street. Fast forward to today. Tory is a … [Read more...]
GUTSY:Inspiration to move forward.
I am always amazed by the power of women who have learned to stand tall and when knocked over, get up and get going. Each story is an inspiration for us for those moments when we think it is impossible to move forward. In my book to be released next month, “GUTSY: How Women Leaders Make Change” I explore the myth of Psyche and Eros, one of the oldest recorded stories. In the … [Read more...]
The USPS Lesson
The post office is nearly bankrupt, the cost cutting is not working. We are in danger of losing a service that is vital to many small businesses. So while other business blogs are looking at this situation and wondering what went wrong, I’m asking “what can we learn?” The postal situation is not unique and what it highlights is how the wrong type of organizational culture can … [Read more...]
The Cost of Business
In our current situation many companies are cackling about how much money they have saving on services and are doing their fair share to keep pushing prices down. On the surface this savings looks good to many companies, but as soon as the economy turns around these services are going to go back to the increased costs they deserve and then what? Well in my years I have observed … [Read more...]
You Are What You Say You Are….
Leadership is an elusive quality and few people ever really get it, but as the figurehead of a company you are supposed to know what it means to be a leader and a motivator even if it wasn’t taught to you. In my industry I see a lot of individuals who were really good at their chosen profession and that skill got them thrust into the management arena. Leadership is an elusive … [Read more...]
GUTSY GAL Takes over “The Avenue”
Growing up in South Philadelphia was akin to living in Italy without the gelato. At least that was what it was like for Lynn Rinaldi decades ago. Everyone became like family; fathers and brothers protected mothers and sisters. Lynn, the only girl among her four siblings even has a twin brother. And watch out for her they did. So, what’s a girl to do? She had to find ways to … [Read more...]