As a business owner I have noticed that entrepreneurs talk about a range of topics and we share some pretty personal details; what doesn’t happen is the talk about violence. We speak about managing teams and dealing with problem performers, but we very rarely speak about what happens when those situations go horribly wrong. To get to the bottom of this I got some advice from … [Read more...]
Leadership Lessons: It’s Really All the Same
When we talk about the programs from our company, we state that we are interested in developing leaders at every level. That does not just mean from senior executive to admin. It means from boardroom to dining room. Leadership, at its core is about helping others reach full potential. Isn’t that the deep yearning in all of us? Here is a good article and my response is an … [Read more...]
Do You Expect Growth for Your Woman-Owned Biz?
According to a report on titled, Most Female Owners Expect Business to Grow, four in five women hope to grow their businesses over the next two years. On a personal note, I really feel that the terminology given in this report is misleading. As a small business owner, if asked, "Do you hope to grow your business in the next two years"… of course I'm going to say an … [Read more...]
That Grand Lady at the Harbor
Ladies, let’s continue to celebrate our freedom by underlining the importance of The Statue of Liberty and the role of women in our society. In her poem about the statue, Emma Lazarus called it “The New Colossus”. The beginning of the poem refers to the Colossus of Rhodes which was one of the seven wonders of the ancient world. It was a statue of the Greek God Helios, who, in … [Read more...]
GUTSY Woman and a Vision
What do you get when you mix five thousand women and counting; two hundred national chapters and counting; and energy that doesn’t quit? You get a powerful organization that has fun while doing good. Meet Mary Jo Wallo, a woman for these times. She runs an investment firm in San Diego, so who could be more perfect to count the growth and increases as her dream is coming … [Read more...]
Why Women Execs are Twice as Likely to Leave Their Jobs
Recently I blogged about research indicating that women executives are more than twice as likely to leave their jobs as men. As reported in U.S. News, the researchers determined that 7.2% of women executives in the survey left their jobs, compared to 3.8% of men. This consisted of both voluntary and involuntary departures. Read the entire article here. The researchers … [Read more...]
Can You Be Successful In Your Business’s Culture?
Are you having a difficult time excelling in your business’s corporate culture? Are you in an environment where you can succeed? Whether you work for a Fortune 500, small business, or a start-up, the question remains the same. This question is about much more than fitting in. I’m not talking about getting along with others and doing what you need to do get your job done. I’m … [Read more...]
Value for your Community
If you sell something to your community of clients, and they receive some measure of enjoyment, appreciation, usage, or some other measure of value out of your product or service, then you're fulfilling the role your company exists to play. Entrepreneurs exist to create value for the economy: this is the primary benefit they offer. Without a special group of someones … [Read more...]
Is the Male-Female Wage Gap a Myth? You Decide….
Stirred. That’s the best word I can use to describe how I feel after seeing the very recent findings from the Independent Women’s Forum (IWF) about the gender wage gap. I’m even more . . . stirred . . . by IWF’s Carrie Lukas’ Op-Ed, “There Is No Male-Female Wage Gap" in the Wall Street Journal. Boy, is she going to get some hate mail! Carrie and her group draw some … [Read more...]
Venture Capitalists Are Looking for Failures
Did you know failure is one of the biggest indicators of future success in an entrepreneur? According to an article in the April issue of Harvard Business Review, “Failing By Design,” many venture capitalists won’t invest in a new enterprise if the founder has never undergone failure. In other words, they are looking for… failures! Why?? Let me first state that there … [Read more...]