Calling all women business owners... the acclaimed Make Mine a Million Program is holding its next event in April. It's a chance for female entrepreneurs (all over the country) to get financing and tools to grow their businesses - to and beyond the million dollar mark. I thought you might have interest in sharing with your readers. The leading non-profit, Count Me In, is … [Read more...]
Women Leaders: Taking a Second Chance
I had the pleasure of attending an Ewomen’s Network event in New Jersey aptly put together by Marilyn Kleinberg and the featured speaker was the women who founded this fabulous organization, Sandra Yancey. Over 100 bright, creative women, mostly solopreneurs, mompreneurs, with a smattering of corporate women listened to Sandra talk about CASH. Yup, cash, the kind you want in … [Read more...]
Time Wasting Awareness: How is your perception of time?
Did you know that your awareness of time has a direct impact on your social intelligence? It’s easy to spot someone with poor awareness of time. They talk longer than what seems necessary in a meeting, they’re difficult to get off the phone, and they don’t get anywhere quickly (be it to an appointment, the point of a conversation, etc.). They are your classic time wasters. … [Read more...]
Do You Have Any Time to Think Creatively?
I remember how wonderful I felt at first when I was hired to run a national company. I was thrilled with my new title and excited to take on the challenge of resurrecting a company that was doing poorly. I was up for the challenge. The position meant a move to Chicago from the east coast and a departure from my comfort zone of colleagues, family, and friends. My … [Read more...]
Winning Isn’t Everything: Business Insights from the Super Bowl
As many of the readers of my blog and Marketing Audibles know, I am a lifelong Packer fan (thanks to my dear Grandmother). And yes, of course I am beside-myself-thrilled that my team made it to, and won the Super Bowl! Here are a few insights I gained during this year’s Super Bowl (even If you’re not a Packer fan): Singing: Apparently knowing all the words to The … [Read more...]
Stop dipping your big toe in the water…the others might get JEALOUS! 5 steps to avoiding analysis paralysis.
In my last post, I expressed the importance of listening to your intuition and going with your gut. You might agree that the flipside of gut-based decision making is analysis paralysis. So, if you are continually dipping your big toe to test the waters and avoiding taking the plunge, take a step back from what appears to be wildly uncertain waters and ask why? Do you ever … [Read more...]
Are you a good boss?
Are you a good boss? Really? I know when I ask myself that question, I come to the conclusion that I could be better. So what makes a good boss, and how can we get better? In the January/February issue of Harvard Business Review an article on becoming a great boss offers research and some key tips for improving as a boss. A good boss is typically influential. But where … [Read more...]
Cultivating Relationships NOT Worth the Time?
Proactively cultivating relationships is often an afterthought. We are just too busy trying to get through the workload directly in front of us. And, relationships are not what we DO in our businesses, right? Most firms are not in the “relationship business.” You are in the [INSERT your core offering] business. Simply spoken: We need sales, not more friends! STOP RIGHT … [Read more...]
Gut Check — Score One for Intuition
We really are smarter than we allow ourselves to believe. We know what we know. We just need to have the confidence to believe in our own thoughts and feelings. Intuition is a powerful thing. Call it a 6th sense, a vibe, a hunch or even ESP. Whatever term you prefer, we feel it in our bones. Unfortunately, we don't always pay attention to the critical information our bodies … [Read more...]
Resolution Solution: Shop Your Soul
If you ever watch the staging or interior re-design shows on HGTV, the designers always suggest “shopping your home” for accessories or furniture to move from one room to create a whole new look or feeling in another room of your home. What they seem to be suggesting is that you don’t have to go shopping beyond the confines of your house for what you need—it was always … [Read more...]