I received 3 email newsletters this week where the authors share with their readers all that they are grateful for. And although it is certainly good to be grateful, it seems to me that something is missing – a focus on others. I do understand that we find ourselves reflecting and thinking about what we are grateful for during this time of year. However, when truly … [Read more...]
3 Important Things I Learned About Social Media in 2010
Mixing "social" with "business?" Is that rather like the division of church and state? Not really. But you'd think so when you see the proliferation of articles, everywhere, about what to do and what not to do when it comes to utilizing Social Media and your business. What's a girl to do? This year of 2010 has been a revelation to me as to the ins and outs of Social … [Read more...]
Living Without the “K” On Your “_eyboard”
In the last few days, the letter I mentioned above is no longer functioning on my computer. And it’s so annoying and frustrating!! It’s amazing how we don’t give a second thought to the things we use on a daily basis. Yet, when they are no longer available we find ourselves in a tizzy! If I need to use that letter in a word, which does become an issue when I need to spell my … [Read more...]
5 Important Things to Remember as an Entrepreneur
Guest post by De Francis (learn more about De at the end of this post) I attended an entrepreneur course several weeks ago. Many aspects were discussed that revolved around entrepreneurship and small business ownership. One day we had a guest speaker and reflecting on what stood out the most during his visit was the following: 1. Talk about your purpose and passion! Or more … [Read more...]
Can Leaders Take a Break?
Do we have to go off to an island with limited access to the internet to get some quiet? Is it ever okay to put a “do not disturb” sign on the office door? Can we ever admit we are fried, exhausted, done, and not be judged as lacking in mojo, courage, stamina? These were some of the thoughts I had after spending a remarkable day presenting at Purdue University in Indiana. … [Read more...]
Building Your Brand “Buddy The Elf” Style – Part 2
Last week I talked about the first two steps of brand building: awareness and understanding, and developing brand associations and meaning. Just to refresh, if you have seen the delightful holiday movie Elf, you are familiar with the endearing qualities of child-like hope and wonder “Buddy the Elf” exudes. How endearing is your brand to your customers? What do you your … [Read more...]
Building Your Brand “Buddy the Elf” Style – Part 1
If you have seen the delightful holiday movie Elf, you are familiar with the endearing qualities of child-like hope and wonder “Buddy the Elf” exudes among believers and non-believers. How endearing is your brand to your customers? What do you your customers believe and understand about your brand? Let’s use “Buddy the Elf” as an example for the four steps to brand building. … [Read more...]
Leadership Strategies: 3 Rules for Ruling your Business
All entrepreneurs are smart and quick, and love taking risks. Otherwise you would be working for a company where you would have a paycheck safely in your hands every week or two. Sometimes the pace is so fast you have to be reminded to exhale. So here are some ideas to help you take your leadership skills to the next level in a smart and quick way that will benefit you both … [Read more...]
Part 5 of the Cash Flow Video Series for Women on Business by Susan Spencer
The final video in Susan Spencer’s exclusive Cash Flow series for the Women on Business audience is now available on the WomenOnBusiness.com YouTube channel. You can watch the video below and follow the links to view Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 and Part 4 if you missed them. About the WomenOnBusiness.com Cash Flow Video Series from Susan Spencer Susan Spencer is a business … [Read more...]
Part 4 of the Cash Flow Video Series for Women on Business by Susan Spencer
The fourth video in Susan Spencer’s exclusive Cash Flow series for the Women on Business audience is now available on the WomenOnBusiness.com YouTube channel. You can watch the video below and follow the links to view Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3 if you missed them. About the WomenOnBusiness.com Cash Flow Video Series from Susan Spencer Susan Spencer is a business woman and … [Read more...]