Semantics can be defined as the study of meanings, or the science and study of meaning in language. I think there is importance to paying attention to the meanings of words and how that applies to our businesses and how we see our businesses. Here's an exercise in semantics. Ask yourself: do you work for success as an end-all or do you see your business as a means or tool … [Read more...]
Learned Anything Recently?
Are you one of those people who “knows” you should keep up with reading a certain periodical but has a tall pile of unread copies on your bedside table or office floor? The benefit continuous learning brings is summed up in one old-fashioned phrase “You don’t know what you don’t know.” What we do know takes us only so far. New information opens up new methods, strategies, … [Read more...]
Interview with Founder of Beauties on the Go and Director of the TEEN LUVE Program
Interview with Gabriela R. Chavez Kristin: What is your business background? Gabriela: Because of positive thinking and eternal optimism, I have an aptitude for developing strong professional relationships. Because of my genuine compassion and unwavering persistence, I have acquired professional experience in print and promotional modeling, hosting Hollywood events, and … [Read more...]
Top 5 Reasons to Embrace a Job Loss
With unemployment wavering at 9%, layoffs are likely to continue throughout 2010. Bleak, dismal and discouraging are words the half empty use to describe the current state of the economy, while the half full see this as a new challenge to overcome or a welcome opportunity to make a long awaited change. Having polled a number of experienced professionals in recent … [Read more...]
Are Business Principles important for the Solo-Preneur?
Ever heard the phrases, "standing on principle" or, "following principles," or "adhering to principles?" Have you considered that how you run your business is based on your idea of business principles? And have you considered that you are the architect of the principles upon which your business is built? Most businesses of more than 10 employees have organizational … [Read more...]
Why I Chose to Become an Entrepreneur
Post by Veronica Eyenga, contributing Women On Business writer People choose to become entrepreneurs for many reasons. For women, those reasons run the gamut and encompass everything from the need for more schedule flexibility to experiencing a glass ceiling. In my case, I was unsatisfied working for someone else. I had a desire to be my own boss and lead my own company. … [Read more...]
Challenges Facing Women in Business
Post by Veronica Eyenga, contributing Women On Business writer Inevitably, all business owners will face challenges now and then. However, women business owners tend to face them a little more often than their male peers. This does not mean that women business owners cannot be successful; statistics show that the success rate for women entrepreneurs is growing rapidly. It … [Read more...]
Resources For New Entrepreneurs
If you have always thought about becoming an entrepreneur, or have recently started your own business, there are many resources you can use to help guide you. I have gathered together some of the sites that I visit and that I think are useful for those interested in taking the entrepreneurial route. Do I have what it takes? Some fun online tests to help you determine … [Read more...]
Microsoft releases technology for Connecting – How can it impact your business?
Microsoft has just released Outlook Social Connector, an add-in for Outlook that links your emails and contacts to your LinkedIn network. It’s available as a free download for Outlook 2003, Outlook 2007 and Outlook 2010. It allows you to view existing LinkedIn connection profiles, their profile picture, recent updates, and allows you to add new connections without ever leaving … [Read more...]
Power Up Your Networking With 3 Key Strategies
By now you’ve gotten the message that networking is a crucial element of career success. If you’re going to make it you’ve got to connect. And you’ve read the rules – dress well, be sincere, be interested in the other person, follow-up to develop and build relationships, and so on. Does it still sound intimidating? So much so that you’re still holding back? Or maybe … [Read more...]